i noticed that too and thought it was funny that he put Klingon Proverb because it's really a Russian Proverb, which makes sense since Rodenberry intended the Klingon's to represent Communist USSR, what with the cold war et al. But I digress, the whole carradine clan is freakish at best. Robert and Kieth have their own Facial Anomolies.
No, I haven't seen volume 2 yet. (Waiting for the DVD. It comes out just before my b-day, so with some careful prodding... lol) I've seen him in other stuff, though, so that's how I know.
And thanks for the info on K, I think I've seen some of those. Guess I just never made the connection.
My God! He's been in almost every single B-rate/B-rate-made-for-TV movie since 1971! Whoah! (This is an amazing discovery, and I must contact my friends... we must induct him into the Hall Of Lame!)
I'm not familiar with Keith. What's he been in?
here's kieth's info. 93 films and i can't say i'm familiar with but a few at best.
I've seen him in other stuff, though, so that's how I know.
And thanks for the info on K, I think I've seen some of those. Guess I just never made the connection.
(This is an amazing discovery, and I must contact my friends... we must induct him into the Hall Of Lame!)
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