Sep 14, 2009 22:45
Had a good time at the London meet-up and I was surprisingly sociable. By the end I was tired enough however to be glad to get back home (especially when it's not 'til 6 in the morning). After all the walking I ended up doing, plus some more when shopping the next day, it's going to take me a while to recover.
I don't seem to find going-out addictive particularly: I feel like I've had my fill for a while; but I do find other people interesting and so it's nice to have a concentrated nosiness session. I'll have to see how I feel when I've caught up on sleep a bit, as I'm probably feeling a little negative until I rejuvenate fully.
List of attendees so I remember:
Ross, Little Rob, Jonathan, Magalie, Morgane.
All Hail to the Ale!