Oct 27, 2005 23:50
well, i really dont want it, is the problem. obviously the state of being, not the style of music. cuz i love george clinton.
this post contains content not suitable for children, geriatrics, religious fanatics, or anyone that doesnt like bitching or swearing. so if you have a problem with any of that, fuck off and dont read my shit, asshole.
i fucking hate life. i swear to god. so me and shaunna part ways, permanently. i fucking hate her so much. she keeps emailing me, just to bitch at me, even though she was fuckin someone from the bar we used to do karaoke at l;ike less than a WEEK after we parted ways. and she still tells me that she loved me. im sorry, you cant say you ever had feelings for someone if you just up and fuck someone else in under a week. please. so my problem begins thus - one of her favorite songs, one that she always wanted me to sing with her at karaoke, was picture, by kid rock and sheryl crow. so i am totally and way beyond over shaunna.....im driving down the road, and i have the radio on, im flippin thru stations, and i hear about 2 seconds of picture. now, people that know me, know that i get songs stuck in my head way too easy. this time, its been for 4 days. i cant get that song out of my head, and its really pissing me off.i almost start feeling like 'hey, maybe something could work out....', and i think that way for hours....and it almost brings me to tears......because i miss her that much. and then i take a look back, and realize, i dont miss her at all, i fucking hate her, all the shit she pulled, why in fucks name would i miss her? it isnt the fact that i miss her, per se, but the fact that i miss having someone there....and its even worse this time because i have decided i am not gonna go out looking for a relationship, i am just gonnabe open and see what comes my way. that and since i have been thinking about it so much recently, i have been regretting too many things.... like things i should have said or done, or at least done different...or maybe the chances i didnt take, like actually actively pursuing some of the things (and people) that i wanted.....
anyway, crisis over, nothing more to see here, go on back to your homes, it was just another whiny cameron rant, once again about the same damn thing.
isnt that what i always bitch about? relationships?
i love being me. one of the most important things in the world for me, and i am totally inept at making anything even remotely resembling a relationship work.
i would ask for advice, but honestly, i dont know what to ask for advice for. like, for relationships, or for actually meeting people at all, or for getting the fuck out of my slump and funk, for getting myself back on track where its important like work and school....
uhm. help?