564: Elevate.

Feb 27, 2007 12:05

It's been awhile since my last blog update...I've been fairly busy with school and writing for a new magazine, which is coming along very nicely. mmmhm, it is.

Anyways, I've been doing a lot of thinking...at least in the existentialist realm of thought. Being a Communications major now, it's become more and more apparent how much of a consumer culture we've become. Consumerism is the integral part of our pop culture, which I love, which I hate.

We've got a President who has more or less said "Be American, buy more shit." Yeah, I paraphrased that one, but it gets to the point.

I'm not saying that people shouldn't buy anything, nor am I saying that I am not a completely materialistic person...but material goods shouldn't be that which makes a person. Material goods don't exactly elevate anyone's existance, at least not on a deep level...maybe so on a very shallow and superficial level, but, I don't think that material goods can cut past the surface.

It bugs me to know that there are a lot of people in my generation, and the generation previous, that don't care to have a well-rounded base of knowledge, that have no desire to have be worldly.

The main reason that America is so culturally deficient is because we are a country that shares few borders. We're isolated. It's kind of like the Laguna Bubble concept...but it really envelops the whole country. It's not like other countries that share borders with several different countries with different cultures to influence each other...America is isolated. As a result, we don't fully comprehend the ideas of international diplomacy because we are rarely in constant contact with citizens of other countries. We don't understand culture anymore.

American pop culture is pretty exciting to me, and I love it...however, there's an awareness in me that appreciates things that cut deeper than pop culture too. It's that deeper awareness that makes me appreciate the artistry of pop culture that no one really ever sees. It's that awareness that lets me cut through the dredges of things that are simply popular to be popular, and really focus on the things that deserve to stand out in pop culture.

I seek elevation in my life...for myself, to feel like a more complete human being than what I currently am. I want to appreciate the world around me before it's destroyed. I think that completion will ultimately make me happy.

To elevate my soul, I write, I sing, I appreciate art, and I keep an open mind. I try to maintain a decent state of being knowledgability...if that's a word. I entertain others. I maintain truth as often as possible. I keep an awareness of the world around me. I try to uphold my personal integrity and my own beliefs, while understanding the ideas and beliefs of people with different opinions. I try not to let my material possessions take over my existence.

Being an American at the time we are living in right now, I think the toughest part of striving for an elevated state is not letting myself become my material possessions.
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