
Nov 10, 2012 04:08

…cartography, the mapping of uncharted territory.
I don’t care for ____
The alliance is gonna frown on this.
the greed and the selfishness and all the taking
Fuck off, traitor.
There’s always money in the banana stand.
I am having a love affair with this ice cream sandwich.
Small price to pay for self-esteem
Weeping. Copious tears.
Well I just apologize like hell.
I’ll show you the life of the mind.
Damned interesting work, I’d imagine.
Damned difficult, I’d imagine.
I myself am strange and unusual.
Let’s turn up the juice and see what shakes loose.
Don't be angry, you dear little man.
Are you addressing I?
If you wanna play house with the unwashed masses, that’s fine.
Forget them. Live forever. We could start a band.
We’re not talking about nice, we’re talking about right from wrong.
Holy Jesus, what are these goddamned animals?
no more of that talk, or I’ll put the fucking leaches on you, understand?
well why not? i mean, if a thing's worth doing, it's worth doing right
but only for those with true grit
terrible things were happening all around us
impossible to walk in this muck. no footing at all
That makes me feel all warm inside.
It's ticklish business, any way you look at it.
Well, that's very possible.
Please don't be silly. We're talking serious.
That baffles me.
It’s actually totally depressing.
We just need to find out which apartment is his so we can stalk him from a distance.
Some people are OK, but mostly I feel like poisoning everyone.
He’s a gay old blade, isn’t he?
How very.
You stupid fuck!
Dreadful etiquette, I apologize.
I just want my high school to be a nice place.
Greetings and salutations.
We scare people into not being assholes.
I wish you weren’t such a stinker.
big fat lummox
You’re wonderful in a bothersome sort of way.
From now on, I’ll ask you to keep your nose out of my affairs.
This place could use a shrub or, hell, even a stick would cheer it up.
It’ll be so fine and laid back and mellow and profitable.
You can’t tell them the whole story. It’ll bore the audience.
This is a narrative of very heavy proportions.
Do you think you could follow an intelligent conversation for just a moment?
Will you stop bellowing?!
People with sense belong wherever they’re put.
I guess I’m not the girl I thought I was.
Oh I love funny exit lines.
I don’t envy you the privilege.
Pity you have to grow up.
How tiresome of him to ____, and how typical.
I can see by your clothes that you don’t give a hoot about what people think of you.
such a placid little thing.
How funny. How supremely, wonderfully funny.
i’m having much too much fun
lanky brunettes with wicked jaws
So what’s the fuss about?
Perhaps this was the work of a sadist or a paranoiac.
C’mon kid, shed the chapeau.
You got your rollersaktes on? Well let’s get rollin’!
This is all swell, brother.
Your peddling your fish in the wrong market.
on account of we had an argument
That’s known in burglary circles as a flashlight.
I've only been going to this school my whole life.
He made her laugh. I've never heard him say anything remotely intelligent.
Hearts will never be practical until they can be made unbreakable.
But some people without brains do a lot of talking, don't they?
Not nobody, not no how.
In the misty mist or the dusky dusk.
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