Chakotay! This was an exciting discovery, you guys. Shame has yet to kick in about my love of Star Trek: Voyager, y'all. I identified heavily with B'Elanna Torres, the half-Klingon chief engineer with anger issues. But that's neither here nor there.
Night of the Comet is great for so many reasons. Two capable female leads, hispanic love interest, truly bizarre sets and costumes, and gross monsters. Set in LA on the night (and day after) a comet passes earth, two sisters hat their stepmom and love guys and typical valley girl stuff. The comet turns everyone (who isn't shielded by steel) into red dust. Those who were only partially shielded become blood-sucking zombies.
Regina and her sis Samantha both happened to be safe on the titular Night of the Comet (Regina was in a steel-enforeced projector room, and Samantha was in a tool shed or something. Also I want to add "titular" to everything I write. Follow along, kids. Make a game of it.) After the initial shock wears off, they arm themselves, go shopping, and meet fellow survivor Chakotay, I mean Hector. A group of smarty-pants military scientists, who are working on a cure, are alerted to there presence. AND THAT'S ALL I AM GOING TO SAY. Just watch it, OK?
This movie is mostly awesome visually, so Ima give you three arguments for watching this thang.
So this dude:
This hair:
And this is supposed the be a radio station:
4 Chakotays out of 5