Dec 08, 2004 17:32
Hiya, how you doing. Spoiler Warning- This post will not point out the un-immaculate (if that is a word) qualities of my coworkers and friends. For those of you who read this for the sheer animoscity(sp) and archariocracicy (sp) (if that is a word as well) you will have to look elsewhere.
So lately things have been, well, like a barrel of fish. On one hand, you have the bonuses of a barrel of fish. The nutritional value, the prestige that comes to one amogst the vandicamps generation, and just the sheer coolness of actually owning a barrel of fish. But on the other, we have a few drawbacks as with a barrel of fish. Where do I keep this damned barrel of fin loving, flop happy, water breathin bastards? And what about that smell? Don't get me wrong, Im sure theres a ton of girls out there who love Ol Barrel Le Fiesh perfume, but none that I know. And finally, whats the point of a barrel of fish, if you haven't a gun in hand? I mean, I know the old lines cliched but come on, its sooo damn easy, like playing Magic vs. Will. Ha ha just had to, despite the ruination of a spoilatory warning. Again, I make up words, why? Neh, the words invented by mankind and snorks alike, just doesn't have the vou'pashei` that I need to describe the words I am descripting. And yes, I did make up vou'pashei` just so you understand what I mean.
This post may seem a bit silly but in truth, I think its quite textful. :P Two men walk into a bar, well, only one man did, the other fell into the hole to the left of the bar as he thought he would be sneaky and side step the bar unlike his dimwitted colleague(sp)
Ok so any other zanity I could bring to a post already brimmed full with inzanity?
Seven layers of juxtopoliminia, the janitorial hell, was ruled by Jim the Janitor. He wasn't just any janitor, but the Satanic Janitorial version of Satan. SO he was indeed, the dark prince with a mop and bucket. One day his rule over his kingdom was threatened by Chrovoxnofogninanihen, the seventh son of the seventh martyr who gave his life so that all of juxtopoliminia would be protected by the interference of heaven. It was Chrovoxnofogninanihen's strong belief that since his family had made countless sacrifice for the kingdom, he should rule it with a sponge gripped fist, and though he had nothing against Jim the prevailing overlord, he had to conquer the realm for the just desserts...mmmm desserts, of his heritage.
The bloodfilled mutiny began. Traitor they cried as the streets flowed with... political advertisement. Chrovoxnofogninanihen began to go door knocking, he set up campaign rallying, he even held a gay rights parade, and in the end, after countless baby kissings and shameless Jim bashing advertisements, the realm of juxtopoliminia was finally in the hands of the third party candidate, Ross Perot...
Confused? You have no idea...
Roger Cole