Oct 16, 2007 15:37

let's see how ramdon i can make this WHILE still being somewhat imformative.

Tomorrow at 12 I start my new job at Korshak & Assiciates. Monday-Friday 12-5 at a law office. fuck yeah!
School sucks, and i'm still as lazy and unmotivated as ever.
Everything keeps changing when nothing has really been happening.
Same ole, ole - and it just gets worse.
And I still miss Randy. I don't think this feeling will ever go away, but if i had the chance i'm not sure i'd change it. Just like i wouldn't ever take back .1 of a second with him. It's just really shitty that the old saying it true: you never realize what you have, until it's gone. It's that kind of situation that shouldn't even be a situation; that shouldn't have happened. But unfortunately, i can't control this world or anything that occurs in it. Actually, i can't control much of anything anymore. At least with this. All red hands pointed at me: guilt haunts me like one of those sappy, overused metaphors.

this went off topic, although i didn't really have one lined up.
Welcome to my world.
I'll miss you.
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