Yay! HAAAAPPYYY BIIIRTHDAY TOOO MEEE! =D Well, actually my bd was the 16th but oh wells xD yesterday I gave myself a present! Besides the digicam I bought before my bd! :P So, guess what it is?!! You don't know! Awww! Well, okay you'll see! Here goes...
=O Yes people! a tattoo! or more like tattoos! xD lol!
This chinese character means "Love" I wanted to put it to remind me what moves us all in this life "Without Love there is no Life".
And this? what's this?! OOh Harry Potter fans would know inmediatly what it is! YES! IT'S THE DEATHLY HALLOWS!!! I! made myself a DH tattoo! Isn't it great?! looool! xD It was supposed to be a bt more thicker but I told the artist to leave it like that....I like it more like that anyways....
So. yeah I really loved my bd present and I was quite suprised that many people remmebered and either called me, txt msg me or left me a comment of facebook or myspace or here! It's was very nice of them and I really felt loved! =D thank YOU ALL! LOVE YA!!! XOXO