Haven't updated this thing in a while. So here goes...
-ROH was last Saturday. The 4 hour drive down to Wilmington wasn't all that bad. We stopped in Xenia and god damn, they have a whole different kind of breed of people roaming around down there. We got there a tad early, ate at Wendy's. While waiting in line for the food this chick bent over a tad and was pouring water into the ICEE machine thing out of a large bucket so I said "I want me some of that". Chick replyed with "Shut Up". Way to flatter yourself there, hunny.
The venue was in the middle of nowhere. When I say that, I mean... The road there had no street lights, the cross roads where it was located had the convention centre, a ramada, said wendys, two gas stations and a McDonalds. If we drove down a little longer, we would have fallen off of the face of the planet. You know you're in nowhere-ville when the sign infront of the McDonalds reads "Mr. Pib is here!".
The show itself owned. Stryker/Shelly was very good. I was iffy about the whole pure wrestling deal, but it may work. The more I see of Jimmy Jacobs... the more and more I dig him. That kid can work his ass off. Him and Sabin put on a nice little match if I must say so. First time seeing Nigel McGinness live. He's pretty sweet. AJ Styles... I can't say enough good things about the guy. Awesome talent. I'm blurry about alot of the card, but the main event... oh man.. As Pete put it, "I fealt like I was 5 again marking out for Hogan". Then I realised, I feel 20 marking out for Hogan... Now. Punk/Cabana/Steele vs. Chris Daniels/Whitmer/Muff was everything we expected. Awesome end to an inredible show. I picked up a few DVDs, the event poster and... that's it.
This was my second ROH show, and it totally blew away the show in Dayton. Maybe it was the fact that it was my first time seeing Punk live in like 2 years, and if you know me, I admire that man like none other. If I could mold myself around him as a worker, I would be set. The man has it all. Overall, Good times were had. Stopped at Waffle House on the way home. WH x-mas shirts were almost bought, but they only had LG. Came home, slepped for days. We might do the Chicago show in April, but who knows.
-Didn't go to Zug in Cleveland. I threw my back out shoveling Wednesday night, so I was kind of glad we didn't.
-Nothing really going on. I picked up a Pistons Darko away jersey tonight, which is ownage. I also snagged Sgt. Pepper's at Target for 9.99. So I've been listening to that all night long.
-While on the topic of the Pistons, they are on a 11 game winning streak. Hopefully they make it 12 tomorrow (or today rather) against the Bucks.
-The Tigers possibly signing Pudge... what the hell are they trying to do? BE A WINNING TEAM? This is so not like them.
I'm done. So with that, This has been Andrew saying... Ya'll wann a single say suck that. SUCK THAT, SUCK THAT.