Lyn dump; I rather like that one with her hair down. And the zonked chibi. x3
Trying to find the right way to draw Johan. Drawing of Sain to help me peg differences, though the just face picture of him looks icky. Working on Johan has done things to my Sain skills. Am working to resolve things and make both fellows look nice and unique.
Chibis, an attempt at drawing Johan sleeping on Lakche (she's not as flustered/frumpy/tolerant/whatever-the-word-I'm-look-for enough P:) and a little OOC comic (for non Seisen players: Lakche points to a church which can restore HP at 5 gold a point; Money is individual and can only be given to other characters if they are lovers--unless it's thief giving money, but since she's not, that point is unnecessary here--), after drawing, I figured Johan doesn't need the flowery borders on his speech bubbles since he doesn't go off into flowerdy/dramatic speech too often, but I was too lazy to erase and they look pretty. Last 'box/scene' is to the right since I ran out of space.
SAIN'S FACE LOOKS NASTY. Other than that, I might like to color the bottom right picture.
Practice and fun. I rather like Kent and Sain's faces