Nov 02, 2003 19:08
We had a great time in Maine at Evening's this weekend...except that I brought wool socks and really needed sandals! The mountain is pretty pretty pretty, and, joy of all joys, we DID NOT get kicked out of any restaurant we were in.....any rumor you may have heard has been greatly exaggerated!!!!!
We think she has found her least for a few years....might be worth looking into some realestate up there - a good investment possibility...
And we did not hit a moose, although we came close to running over a fireman...well, really, what was he thinking?! He should be used to dealing with emergency situations and know that we, joe public, are not!
And, oh yes, Evening really has to learn how to give those flies belly rubs when they want one, rather than just vaccuuming them up so cold heartedly, even if they are obvious products of inbreeding...:>)