DAY 6:
Hi Friends List,
This is totally stolen from the Courage Campaign, and I'd like to share it, because one of my happy things for today is BEING ABLE TO DO SOMETHING AND CARING ENOUGH TO DO IT.
Especially since deal
parsnipodoom said today that I looked like I was ready to go to a protest and throw a brick through a window. XD
Other happy things today include getting to go to lunch with three lovely ladies, and eat frozen yogurt, and going to CostPlus to play around looking at shiny things. I love totally unnecessary group shopping!
Now for your regularly scheduled political activism. :D
Are you outraged by Rick Warren (a big supporter of Prop 8) being invited to give the invocation at President-elect Barack Obama's inauguration?
While President-elect Obama has chosen to ignore the troubling beliefs of the man who will spiritually usher in his presidency, Californians can not ignore Rick Warren and his Saddleback Church followers, based in Orange County.
That's why I'm asking you to give Pastor Warren a new invitation -- a Courage Campaign invitation to a public debate on same-sex marriage with Reverend Eric Lee, President of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) of Greater Los Angeles. Rev. Lee is a courageous leader on marriage equality in the faith community and in the African American community.
I just added my name to the invitation. Will you join me in signing it as well? (OPTIONAL: you can also write a note to Rick Warren and let him know how you feel): Then please forward this on to all of your friends and family. The more signatures we gather on the invitation, the more likely Rick Warren's views on same-sex marriage will be challenged, this time by another man of faith.