All right folks, here's my application! Sit back, it's a tad lengthy. Just in case anyone was curious, my name is Jamie, and I just recently turned 17. And fyi, the bolded things are things I think make me the most nerdy.
1. *
I'm so hot. *
Me WITH Glasses. Yes, they ARE prescription. I'm no scene kid. *
Just another picture for your viewing/wanking pleasure. 2. Nerdy Hobbies:
*Gaming: I recently purchased a NES from my ex-boyfriend, so obviously I enjoy a little 8-bit action in my life. My soul has also been consumed by Animal Crossing for Game Cube. Between my brother and I we own a NES, SNES, Playstation, Playstation 2, Dreamcast, 2 Gameboy Advances, 1 original Gameboy, and Wonder Swan. We even modified our SNES so we could play Super Famicom games in it <3.
Favorite games are as follows:
• Valkyrie Profile
• Final Fantasy (All except VII and X)
• Tales of series
• Grandia
• Super Mario Brothers (All)
• Duck Hunt
• Tekken
• Street Fighter (All)
• Mortal Combat
• Star Ocean
• Animal Crossing
• Xenogears
*Anime/Manga: Yeah yeah, here it is. You knew it was coming. I love anime. I attend a Saturday anime club at the local junior college, and on Wednesdays, Shoujo Anime Night at a friend's house. My favorites are:
• RahXephon
• Jungle wa Itsumo Hare Nochi Guu
• Kare Kano
• DNA2
• Fushigi Yuugi
• Marmalade Boy
• Slayers Try
• Vampire Hunter D
And of course I draw anime style and post my better pieces on my web site (
Decoy Octopus, which you'll note, if you know your stuff, is a reference to a villain in one of the Metal Gear Solid games).
*I'm a photo whore: Maybe you could consider this hobby more... elite-art-beatnik-y, but I think it's pretty nerdy. Especially since when my friends and I talk about photo, most people don't know what the hell is going on. I always have around 7 rolls of unspent film in my purse, and cream my pants surfing web sites that feature information on Canon's digital SLR cameras or telephoto lenses. I recently purchased a 28-200 mm zoom lens which should be coming in the mail on monday... I'm so effing excited. You can find some of my photos
*J-Rock: My favorite musical genre. The bands/singers:
• Dir en Grey
• Miyavi
• Gackt
• Buck-Tick
• Janne da Arc (It REALLY bothers me that that's improper French too...)
• Kagrra
*Blogging: What would I do without my blog? I love it to death.
*Je suis une pixel counter: I made up that nickname for myself because it's exactly what I do. I sit around and make graphics (layouts, buttons, avatars, etc.) which sometimes requires counting pixels by hand. I've gotten pretty good at estimating the dimensions of a picture in pixels though :).
*Designing: I spend a great deal of time drawing t-shirt designs featuring nerdy inside jokes on note cards. Which I also carry around in my purse at all times. (IE: "cotton candy + H2O <=> cotton + candy," "safety goggles are sexy," "2xy for life," "I went on an iodate to find my bromate," etc.)
*Collecting: I collect cute Japanese wares of all sorts, such as the paper I wrote this application on before typing it up and turning it in, which features Hello Kitty. I have so many effing stickers, you could probably line the walls of my house with them. Speaking of walls, the walls of my bedroom are covered with posters of various j-rockers, anime characters, Morrissey and The Smiths, and of course... dear Jack Sparrow and a Jolly Roger I picked up at Disneyland.
*Singing Disney Songs: It's not a hobby so much as something I do... a lot. I can sing "Part of Your World" all the way through. And well.
*Band: I'm in band. I play clarinet. 'Nough said.
3. A Brief Educational History I'm currently a senior in high school/freshman in college. I don't know how widespread the program is, but here we have a program called Running Start that allows juniors and seniors in high school to take classes at the junior college. For each class we take there we receive both high school and college credit. Our tuition is free as well. Pretty sweet deal if I do say so myself ^_^.
Through Running Start I've taken:
• English 101 - B+ (And I missed the final because I was confused about the date...)
• Drawing 1 - A-
• Forensic Science - A (God that was an awesome class. New Detectives anyone?)
• Photography 1 - This quarter.
• Japanese 101 - This quarter.
And at my lame ass high school these are the classes I've taken worth mentioning:
• Honors Chemistry - B+
• Band
• AP Physics - This Semester
My accumulative GPA is somewhere around 3.8, but I can't say for certain due to a lack of a transcript.
4. My Time Spent Online: During the summer I'd say a good 12 hours of my day were spent browsing art sites, joining site cliques, talking on AIM, drooling over stuff on, and making graphics. Now that school has started... I'm going to estimate the time in which I touch the gigahertz to be around 8 hours. I mostly just sit here and stare at my buddy list now... but occasionally I'll peruse ebay for inexpensive goodies, and look at some of the more revered art sites. But mostly just staring. Like this O_O.
5. Nerdy Bits: * The first of many things on this list is a short story I'd like to relate to you all. I was driving along when I spotted a discarded silk plant on the side of the road. I thought to myself: "aren't those things kind of expensive for what they are? Maybe I should pick it up and sell it at the store..." OH WAIT, this isn't a video game.
* I'm all about chemistry, if you couldn't already tell... in fact I plan on designing a line of t-shirts for girls who just love chemistry called CHeMgIrLiEs. No, those aren't sticky caps, that's Carbon, Helium, Magnesium, Iridium, Lithium, and Einsteinium. A lot of my jokes with friends are chemistry based. We even made up the Collision Fairy, who is responsible for chemical reactions, narf.
* My favorite books are:
• The Belgariad and Mallorean series (David Eddings)
• The Last Herald Mage Series (Mercedes Lackey) "Shut up, horse!" Tee hee.
• Sabriel (Garth Nix) Omg, I want her necromancy bells!
• Of Mice and Men (John Steinbeck)
• Vows and Honor Series (Mercedes Lackey)
• The Ellenium Series (David Eddings)
• On The Beach (Nevil Shute)
• American Gods (Neil Gaiman)
• The Dictionary
*Favorite Movies:
• Mallrats (Brodie is my ideal man... *le sigh*)
• Dogma
• Clerks
• Amelie
• The Last Unicorn
• Pulp Fiction
• The Little Mermaid
• Star Wars
• Princess Mononoke
• Kung Pow: Enter The Fist
• The Matrix
• L'Auberge Espagnole
* Whenever I walk backwards I do it marching-band style. (For those of you who aren't in mb, that means on your toes, standing up straight, making sure your head moves as little as possible, even strides, etc.)
* 1 4|\/| FLU3|\|7 1|\| L337, of course.
* I subscribe to Merriam-Webster's Word Of The Day.
* And Newtype.
* Whenever I see an acronym I look for chemical symbols or formulas. (CO = carbon monoxide, say what?
* When I'm bored and I see a group of numbers, like in an address, I see how many combinations or equations I can find in them. (Ex. My house # 18106. 6+1+1=8, 1+1=2, 8-2 =6... etc.)
* I use intarweb language in everyday conversation. (Oh, it's not just LOL, WTF, and BRB... it's definitely *signs < > with fingers* Don't make me b-tag your ass, aight. If I imput type will your browser crash and shut you the f**k up? Key punch error! FACK! Yeah...)
* I have dreams that are set up like RPGs.
* Sometimes those dreams are about band.
* I correct grammar under my breath. (Some random idiot: "I think I did pretty good." Me: "Well...")
* Whenever I come across a package of markers or colored pencils I rearrange them into color order. (Usually my own "backwards" rainbow... purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, red.)
* I carry a TI-83 in my purse. (You know... just in case.)
* There is L337 all over my car.
* I read the ingredients list on labels and try to come up with the chemical formula for each one.
* Sometimes my sentences end in "no da," "ne?" and "n'est-ce pas?"
* Everything is either hardcore 2010 or (insert adjective) x10 to the nth power.
* I like to laminate things.
* I write lists for everything. Current lists: domain names, band names, future site cliques, and books to read.
* Can you say... gross? (144)
* I own 4 cameras.
* I recently purchased:
• Arwen's evenstar pendant (Why? Because I look like her. Duh.)
• A mini digital camera
• WTF? Shirt
• GEEK-tag Shirt
• ChiX0r Shirt
* I own around 12 manga, all of which I can't read yet because they're all in Japanese. ("Yet" being the operative word. Muhuhuhu...)
* My cell phone ring tone is the Final Fantasy victory fanfare.
* I drew a diagram of what I thought my pheromones looked like.
* I've saved all my notes and homework from the past 4 years and put them into file folders.
* I really like mental disorders, and diagnosing myself with them. (I have borderline personality disorder! ^_^_-_-.)
* I plan on getting a P-Wing tattoo.
* I own Superman suspenders.
* I have 5 cats. (Ariel [The Little Mermaid, no da.], Choo Choo [like the boneless cat from Something Positive], Cracker ['cause he's white *giggles*], Biki [short for Nibiki, from Ranma 1/2], and Goobs [short for Megumi, like Hiyashibara.])
* I designed a special color-coded calendar for my blog that works with the categories to assign thermal values to each entry.
* I spent at least 3 hours on this application.
Questions? Comments? Marriage proposals?