friends update

Oct 05, 2004 14:56

Friendship Update!!! If you wish to still be My Friend add the comment NOW!!^^

Anyway last friday after school I went to David's house where Steph was already. I got myself a gamboy esp now so we decided to test out the gamecube of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles. That was weird and awsome at the same time^^. Just the prob is I kept on dying soo much lol. That was fun.^^ Steph tried next. She kept dying too. It's not that we both had no idea what the heck we were doing-or maybe-_-, it's different on a gameboy system and ofcourse the character we were playing was weak-lvl 1 I say. Oh well. We made it through til I had to leave-damn mother. After I left them both let me remind you I was wearing high heal sandles and it was raining outside, I somehow stepped into a large puddle that went up to my ankle. I litterly took off my sandles and drove bare feet. What a night ><. Ofcourse when I came home MY mother was upset with me cause I wasn't once again home ontime to do her hair-dye her hair. So I just marched up to my room "fine forget about it!" *slam* Thus ending the night...I would rather stayed at David's house -_-...

Okay I'm an anime freak. I love sailor moon the most though. I play video games and try to spend sometimes on the computer just to currupt people's mind. I sometimes get carried away but thats just normal to me. If you have to slap me then slap me damnit! -okay that sounded just wrong. o_O ERASE!!!! *breathes* Okay anyway, most of the times I will rant as well, found out after I read my lj a week later o_O. Other than that I respect others so you better respect me as well damnit. Also just cause your not replying to my Lj doesn't mean I will send my flying monkies after you. I do the same too so don't worry I don't make a big deal about just like others do. >_>

If I have to add more I will until then thats the end for me...
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