Jul 12, 2006 09:36
...Are you seriously telling me that museums are closed on Tuesdays alone? WTHMAN! Seriously..
I got a few snaps out of it though. (snaps? snaps?! ...."My overalls have snaps.") ...I miss Angela.. and the rest of Starbucks. lol ...sans Cyrus. lol. I wonder if this curfew is still in effect..? *shrug* School is over today.. one final, and then I'm out. These bitches better get my facebook info. lol. Now work is REALLY gonna be boring... more sleeping in the bathroom I gueeeess. loL!
Olive Garden on Friday. I'm a little mad that Andre can't go and he's never been. Obviously, the rabid fan I am, I had to be like "You've never been!? OMG N00B! BRE@D!!! THE MIGHTY BREAD!!!" ...he's yet to become a believer. Should I buy my fitted hats on Friday? ...I just need the navy one... and some long sleeve shirts. ...I need an American Appearal store or something. *shrug* HO WELL..
MY ear hurts.. so I took my earring out.
Why is it I'm still at that stage where non-black people cant recognize me without a fitted on? Do I look like Alex? It's not attached to my head. lol. I understand me looking different without my contacts (You know how us Supermen do when we get rid of our Clark Kent disguise.. lol!)
...I broke my PS2 controller last night. The cords were shot and it was bound to die any day now.. coughIblameMaddenandFifaforit'soverusecough.. I just find it funny the last button pressed was X... to save my Kingdom Hearts 2 game after 2-3 hours of play. I just arrived in Beast's Castle. How lucky am I... i have no other PS2 controller either (Nat kidnapped and mangled my other controller. *rolleyes* Why lend things out? I don't know.) You know that feeling like.. "Why buy a new controller.. the PS3 comes out like.. tomorrow and this controller will be obsolete!"..? Ugh... Sadness x2.
Is it bad I almost cried at the seaport yesterday? Slow acoustic music mixed with a 5 year old girl playing games with a 20-ish artsy mime-type street performer. Something about that was just too much for my heart to bear. It was prolly too sweet for my over-emotional heart to take. *reflects* .....ugh! too cute. ;_;
Time to go tap on the mirrorglass for a bit...
EDIT - ...I just broke my earring. ...MUTHAFUCKA! X0!