I've been growing my hair out for quite a few years. I didn't have any particular desire for super long hair, it just kind of kept growing and I let it since I was too lazy to do much to it. Sure, I would get occasional trims to get rid of split ends, but I let the length keeping creeping down my back. For a few years I kept it pretty much within a few inches of my shoulders, but especially after I got married the haircuts became few and far between (probably because when I was living with my parents, I would go get my haircut when my mom did....after I moved out, there was no one to keep me on a schedule, since Josh just usually has his mom cut his hair ^_^;;). At Christmas time when I was over at my parents' house, my mom suggested that I cut my hair and donate it to
Locks of Love, an organization that makes wigs for people who have lost their hair due to medical reasons (chemotherapy, disease, etc.). I thought about it and decided, why not? I don't have any particular need for long hair, so might as well donate it to people who want it.
So yesterday we were over at Josh's mother's house, and we told his sister Andi that we wanted her to cut my hair. She assumed I just wanted a trim, but we told her that, actually, most of my hair was going to be cut off. Here's a few pics:
The hair is tied back and snipping is set to commence.
Err, more like hacking ^_^;; My hair is thick and disagreeable and refuses to be taken lightly, a fact made clear back when styling my hair for my wedding (took two hours to get it looking like
this, and 45 painful minutes with shampoo, conditioner, and a brush to get it
undone :P)
Finally, the hair relinquishes power. My head felt a whole lot lighter ^_^
A total of about 12 inches was cut off.
So now I'm getting used to shorter hair again. It's been quite a few years since it hasn't even reached my shoulders. This is the most recent time I can remember having it that short:
That's from 1999. So, yeah, eight years. I keep trying to push my hair out of the way, say, to zip up my coat, and then I find it's not there :P But at least I don't have to worry about it getting stuck in the door when I get in the car, or worry about it dipping into the food I'm eating....at least not for a few more years....I'll probably grow it out and cut it all off again. Ah, the circle of life.