Mar 26, 2005 15:42
i love watching em. some of the music interesting. mostly hip-hop and that kinda techno stuff where the guy in the back round goes "kentucky" and a "vrooooom" follows. lol. in the cheers some teams used britney, korn and likin park. and in the dance part one team used franz ferdinand. that team was really good.
every body at practice was soo happy about how i did at the meet and same with tyler and brian. lauren hugged me. that made me so excited. it was a long work out, but deffintley tiring, i took a nap afterwards.
yea i was kinda pissed off cause after a workout like that, i really wanted to eat something after i got a little bit of rest. especially cause the scrapple from this morn didnt go well. but i had planned to eat my leftovers from crab shanty. and my mom asked for my leftovers from last night and i said yes, thinking that i had my other food in the fridge. but then when i went to get it my mom informed me that she had ate that too! i was pissed, so i didnt eat anything and im actually not that hungry.
but track practice this morn makes up for it. that makes me soooo unbelivebly happy.