Thingy that James posted that I think is cool.

Feb 20, 2008 09:33

"If you read this, comment and I'll give you a year to write about in your journal because it is bomb ass and I said so."

James gave me 1987.

Well let's see, I would have been 4 and 5 during this year. This means it was a pretty big year. First of all, early in the year I had to go up to the IWK for a bunch of tests and stuff, they were mostly non-scary and I was a very good girl for my brain scans. (It says so on them, the technician wrote "Good Girl, Adrienne!!" and drew a big smiley face, because I was 4 and I stayed very still and quiet for an hour. That is impressive, y'all. Also in 1987 I started school. I loved school and I loved my teacher Mrs. MacKinnon. She was awesome. On the first day of school I was interviewed for the CBC and that was pretty cool too. (So was Natalie...we're CBC superstars or something.) Otherwise I guess I pretty much did Grade Primary things. I really liked colouring and Mrs. MacKinnon was impressed that I could already read and write before I started school. Heh.
I rocked. I miss Grade Primary.

PS: Dot is at the vet getting spayed and I am worried about her. Poor kitty.
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