07-Ghost Music Drabble Meme. (Actually got me to write again, hehe.)

Jul 28, 2009 18:59

2. Cloe - Yoko Kanno (3:20)

(Can be thought of as either Frau / Teito or Mikage / Teito)

These sweet nothings that you speak of are all music to my ears.. I feel like I don’t understand a word you say, but it sounds so nice just to hear it anyway.

So distant and yet so far away, but you’ve done so much for me.. Always there for me, without me even asking anything of you, you’re there of your own free will.

You have no idea how grateful I am to you… Though I’d never admit it to you personally, it means the world to me.

All this time has passed and you still haven’t left my side.. You kept your promise to me.. Maybe.. Just maybe, everything happened not because of coincidence but because it really was meant to be.

[ So, I don’t exactly understand the lyrics, I’m not eve all too sure what language it is. I heard that it could be in Italian… But yeah, so I just when with what I felt. ]


3. From Yesterday - 30 Seconds to Mars (4:08)

(This was supposed to be seen as a possible final battle with Ayanami, implying slight Frau / Teito and obvious Mikhail / Teito, sorta. >.>;;)

I’ve waited so long for this day to come. I’ve searched everywhere for you. And now, now, I have -him- on my side.. We together will defeat the man who ruined everything. Not just for me, but for countless people as well. Today, haha. Yes, today, is the day I will kill that man. A wicked smile danced upon Teito’s lips. He was certain that failure was not an option. As long as he had the power of Mikhail in his grasp once again, he was unbeatable. No matter how many people were against his decision to kill this god awful man, he knew deep down it was wrong, but… But, he also knew that if he didn’t demolish him, that he would continue on doing nothing but wrong. He had to kill Verloren if it was the last thing he did. This was the only way he could truly die happily.


4. Space Halo - OLIVIA (5:11)

(Total Frau / Teito)

“Frau…” A small voice called out, the boy’s gaze fell to the ground as he scuffled a foot across the floor.

The older male blinked, “Huh?” Tilting his head to the side as his blue eyes watched the boy, “What is it, brat?”

Teito blinked, chancing a glance back up at the man, a cheek puffed out a bit from the word ‘brat’. He sighed, pushing that tiny annoyance away so that he could focus on his real intention. He took a deep breath, “I.. I.” He sighed. He couldn’t do it. He just.. Couldn’t.

Frau turned to face the boy, frowning lightly; he held a hand out to the side, half shrugging. “Out with it, kid?” What was wrong with him.. The boy was acting stranger than he usually was.

The younger swallowed, his cheeks flushing incredibly so; his hands balled up into fists at his sides. He closed his eyes taking one last deep breath, “I.. I.. Love you.”


5. Capricorn - 30 Seconds to Mars (3:53)

(Mikhail and Teito)

I’m.. I’m losing myself. Again. No. I… I can’t. I won’t allow it. Not this time.

He brought his both hands to his head, clinging on to his hair. So close to ripping the mess of hair he grabbed out of it’s set placement.

I’m.. Going crazy. How could I have let him beat me. I CAN’T ALLOW THIS. I’ll… Just start over. That’s it. Start over. Start it -all- over.

Laughing maniacally, he was indeed losing his mind. Ever since he lost Mikhail, everything has changed.. Not for the good though, more for the worse.

As the days went by, he kept slipping further and further into infinity. His eyes looked as though his soul were slowly departing from his very body.

What a pity. He could have been the one to save us all.


6. The World Around You - Papa Roach (4:35)

(Frau / Teito)

As the days went by, the less and less they saw of each other. Frau only dropped by every three days on the spot, just to make sure the kid didn’t blow up because of that damned collar of his.

Teito let out a long, stressed sigh. “I never thought.. That I would actually miss that perverted bishop.” He mumbled, pulling his legs up to his chest; wrapping his arms around them as he sat on a floor, leaning against the wall. “Maybe… He really never did care. Maybe he only stayed by my side because he felt guilty for all that had happened.. Not to mention him being the reason this collar.. Thing, would blow up if he wasn’t around just long enough for it to scan his voice and be satisfied for a few days.” He placed his chin against the top of his knees, his gaze falling to the closest thing nearby. “.. I just hope I’m wrong.”


7. Koiji Romanesque - Gotou Yuuko (4:24)

(Teito and Ayanami)

If I never met you, I wouldn’t have lived with so much loss in my life.

This endless sorrow that eats away at my heart is all thanks to you.

Tears that stream down my cheeks, unwanted tears that have a mind of their own, keep returning in the midst of the nights.

All of those sleepless nights that I encounter so often, fearing all of those night terrors that I play continuously in my mind once these lids flutter shut, are all thanks to you.



Okay, that's all for now. I have more, but I'm too lazy to copy paste it from Word atm. Hehe. I really hope that wasn't too craptastic.

Oh, before I forget, these were some of the phrases and what not that I sorta focused the drabbles on.


"You are the only "you"
There is no such thing as your replacement"

"Even though you're in a place you didn't wish to be,
You can't move because of your roots
Just spit out your closed-up feelings
I'll accept all of your pain and suffering
So please don't cry"
"He's a stranger to some
And a vision to none
He can never get enough,
Get enough of the one"


"not a gold but of sin
through the blood he can learn, see the life that it turn
From council of one
He'll decide when he's done with the innocent"

"The fear begins to creep in
The distance begins to grow
I can't find the right words to say
I need to know it's okay, okay..."

"Start again with a brand new name
And eyes that see into infinity
I will disappear"

"We never fell in love we only fell apart
I'm getting lonely, I need somebody to hold me
I thought I'd never miss her"

"If we didn't meet back then
I wouldn't be having nightmares in my dreams"


"The one who you wanted
Was a person completely opposite of me"

And, yeah. That's pretty much it. : )
Oh, and this is my first attempt at using a lj-cut.. I don't think it's working though.. >.>;;

music meme, 07-ghost, drabbles

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