[WARNING!: this entry may be full of CAPS, for those of you who dislike it.. Sorry. >.>]
I just finished watching the LAST EPISODE, and pretty much freaked out, and came close to semi-hyperventilating and what not.
I wish I knew more Japanese, so I could understand it a whole lot more! (´・ω・`) But I -did- in fact understand some parts.. A lot more than I thought I would have.
But omg! SPOILER [not sure if there is a code thing for spoilers, so just highlight the text]:
[EDIT] I'm not going to say too much about the last episode [I kinda did], 'till I see the subbed version, so I don't make too much of a fool out of myself *has no self confidence what-so ever*. But, OMG, I SO KNEW THAT SHINIGAMI-SAMA WAS GONNA LIVE! I WAS LIKE HE CAN'T DIE! HE BRINGS LIFE TO SHIBUSEN! And then like earlier, in like episode 48 or 49ish, I so called Asura hand-jabbing Arachne in the chest! Is is just me, or do a lot of anime/manga series have a thing for stabbing/shanking/hand-jabbing/whatever one in the chest, or no? Anyway, I was really disappointed by the ending.. Sort of. Well, I don't recall ever seeing Maka's mom.. And it kept showing the picture, hopefully the manga will show her though~ AND LKSDFGLKJGKL I SO WANTED MAKA + SOUL AT THE END AT LEAST. IT -ALMOST- HAPPENED.. BUT IT DIDN'T REALLY... At least, I don't think.. [Sorry if it did, and I didn't quite catch it.. But I will find out soon!] O.o Really quick, does anybody know if Asura actually said something about Maka being cute? Or like her trembling/trying to stand up to him was..? [I probably misheard it though..]. But that would be TOTAL CRACK SERVICE!! xDD BUT OMFG I CAN'T BELIEVE IT TRUELY IS OVER!!!! Now I want the next manga chapter to hurry up and be released -even more so than I already wanted it to come out already-. OMG CRONA/CHRONA/KRONA/INSERT PREFERENCE HERE AND MAKA, SO CUTE! [I am assuming the one's who did the anime, decided to go with Crona's gender to be a girl.. I still think it/she/he, is still genderless in the manga, yes? But Crona will remain genderless in my heart.. It's just really hard to talk about it/her/him in this kind of way.. It. It sounds odd to me. xD;; END RANT HERE.
Wow, that lasted a while. Sorry, I just had to do that, none of my friends here really watch/read Soul Eater. It's horrible, I have no one to rant about what happened with! It makes me sad on the inside.. (´;ω;`)
But there will be more blabbing about the last few episodes of Soul Eater once I watch the last one with subs.. And then it'll make more sense! *Whishes the subbed'll hurry up and come out*
So, yeah. I really should get back to working on school work.. And my art project, which is a total failure.. :/ I hate my art, especially when it's interior/vanishing point/line perspective.. While in a semi-artists block. Why is it I'm only currently able to draw all over my homework?! (・A・);
Anywhoodles, toodle-oo for now, I suppose. [I'll catch up on replies and such within the week. :D]
PS: I got Pokemon Platinum when it came out. :DD *dork* AND JACOB GAVE ME A NINETAILS [AND A DITTO] ON DIAMOND!! I LOVE HIM. AND I'M GETTING EEVEE'S.. I wish I could have a Pikachu that followed me around like Yellow version did.. Or any Pokemon at that. That would equal win! :D
Ciao for now~! (‐^▽^‐) [Really]