Sailor Moon and Chibimoon SuperS Dolls

Nov 22, 2009 14:23

Sailor Moon and Chibimoon SuperS Sailor Team Dolls :)

Bought Sailor Moon for: $73.00
Bought Chibimoon for: $30.00

I bought Sailor Moon in September of 2009 on an online auction.
I bought Chibimoon in November of 2009 at an anime store in New York City.

Even though these dolls were made at the same time and year, I have noticed quite a few things that are different about them. The Sailor Moon one has better hair quality. It is shiny and feels smooth. The Chibimoon one, however, has about no shine on her hair and it doesnt feel very smooth. Chibimoon has two big red gems on her fuku, while sailor moon has gold hearts. The matierial for the bows are very different. Sailor Moons is made out of the fabric used for the blue on her costume, while chibimoons is made out of the material sailor moons back bow is. Sailor Moons eyes arent too close to the actual anime. Chibimoons eyes look just like her anime eyes. The bows on the back of them are very different too. Sailor moons is made of the front bow chibimoons is (stated earlier). The back of chibimoons is made of the same stuff the skirt of her costume is, but more pink. The gloves are also made of a different fabric. Moons are made to of material that makes her arms seem skinny, while chibimoons look like the other gloves from earlier SuperS dolls. The feather tiaras are also different. Sailor Moons is smaller and fits on her head while chibimoons is bigger and falls off her head. Moons is sharper and not as fat. Hers is also filled in on the back, not hollow like chibimoons. Another thing is the boots. Moons have her crescent moon on them while chibimoons dont. I think that is everything. Hope this helped you. :)
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