Not much here. Went and got my hair cut this morning. Man do I love my really short hair. My dad said it's the shortest I've ever gotten it cut, which must mean it looks really short. Then my grandma and I went and bought a lot of flowers for all her flower beds and then she brought me home where I did nothing for 2 hours and then slept for 3 hours which would bring us to about 7:30PM where I did the dishes and I ate dinner and now I'm here on the net. Tomorrow I have counseling in the morning, I hope to do more spring cleaning and then I work. Other than that, I'm lost deeply in thought, which is a bad place for me to be, so I'll be going now to indulge in Pokemon. And also...
My Sailor Moon wallscroll (YAY!!!) (I won't hang it up until after I finish spring cleaning my room, that's why it's on the floor)