*clicks play*
Random thoughts on Skins s5 ep8 “Everyone” as I watch it…
- What is Grace doing? …Oh! Oh, SNAP! She’s gonna forge her dad’s signature and try and make the wedding legal! O.O I did not see that coming… Grace, you naughty, naughty girl, you. XP
- Hey, her mirror’s fixed!
- OMGWTFBBQ PT2 - THE BLOW-UP DOLL that Alo is cuddling and fondling IS LABELED “GRACE”! That is so wrong.
- Oh ho ho ho! XD Mini is totally crushing on Franky! :D :D :D <3
- Mini’s smile when she looks at Franky makes me ship it baaaaad. I’m rooting for you Mini!
- Aw, Franky is making the dresses! :3 <3
- Aw, Liv wakes up alone with Matty not having said good-bye before he left. :(
- Ah, well at least he leaves her a little note on the spliff. *chortle* …That boy ain’t right. XP
- Wow, the security at Nick’s house sucks. XD
- LOL, IRL, Nick! XD Cuddling a traffic cone, wearing a hot pink boa, one shoe off, LOL, what happened last night, dude? XD
- Uh oh, Franky leaving a note for Matty! O_O
- Oooookaaaay. Weird note to leave, even considering the backstory. WTF, Franky?
- Yay, mama bear Mini! :D
- DUN DUN DUN! Blood! In a pepto pink shirt listening to Duran Duran’s “Hungry Like the Wolf”…dude you are so 80’s. XD
- Oh, a new…lightening bug (?) pin for Grace…that beeps and has a little red light…Hmm, I am suspicious of this pin. Could it possibly be a GPS tracking device?…I think so. Blood you are dastardly! Planting a tracking bug (LOL, literal tracking bug) on your own daughter like some super spy - dude, you are ate up. XP
- Huggy wuggy! *snerk*
- LOL, Grace’s reaction to the hug! XD I <3 you Grace, LOL!
- Oh, yeah. Totally a GPS tracking device. Well, now we know how Blood tracks down the wedding party.
- Oh, no, here it comes! T_T Bye, bye Rich’s long hair! T_T
- Oh, man…Rich is not getting shorn willingly. “Just a trim,” he requests. Oh, poor Rich. :(
- Alo, you are devious! Rich is going to be super pissed off at you.
- LOL, IRL - the scream! XD (I think I’d have done the same thing if someone did that to me.)
- Oh, Rich, poor bb! :( That was so mean of Alo to do to you.
- Rich: “I feel violated!” Awwww :(
- Oh, snap! Alo, said it! Rich looks like Justine Bieber with that hair cut. XD
- Seriously, while I loved the long hair and will miss it, the short “Bieber” cut does look super cute on Rich. And it looks better with Rich’s metal garb/the leather jacket than I thought it would. I think I’ll get used to it, in time. But I still miss the long hair.
- Aw, Rich’s sad little face. :(
- LOL, Alo is keeping the wedding rings in his pocket with a bunch of random crap. XD
- OMG, the suits are from ALO’S DAD AND DOWIE’S BEATLES TRIBUTE BAND DAYS! LOLOLOLOL XD No wonder we all thought they looked very Beatles-esque in the previews. THEY ARE. (Also, getting a really weird mental picture of Alo’s dad and Dowie, right now.)
- Rich is not thrilled with the Beatles theme and has opted to ignore it, LOL. No accounting for taste, I suppose. XP
- LOL *is ded* Nick: “Oh my God, it’s Justine Bieber!” LOLOLOLOL XD Just poorin’ salt in the wound, thar, Nick. XD
- Also, LOL at Matty and Nick flying by with the shopping cart full of beer and junk food...which they probably shoplifted.
- Yep, shoplifted. XD
- Aw, Liv and Mini making Gracie up. :3 <3
- AWWWW, THE WEDDING CAKE~! <3 :3 That Franky made! With her little artist model dolls dressed like Rich and Grace! :3 <3 “Awesome Forever” *is ded of cute* I <3 you Franky!
- Aw, it was one of Franky’s dads who made the actual cake! <3
- Grace’s smile! And Mini is so tickled by the cake! :3 <3
- This scene with the girls all together helping Grace put on her dress is so freaking adorable and sweet - I can just feel how happy they all are to be together as friends. I <3 them all. :3
- And of course, Liv pulls a spliff out of her dress top to help Grace “chill her jitters”, LOL. XD Oh, Liv! Always with the doobage. XD
- Glad rags Minky scene! :3 <3
- You do deserve better, Franks. Get over Matty, soon pls kthx.
- LOL, the boys and their footwear! XD Only Nick is wearing shoes that go with the suit.
- The boys do all look cute in their Beatle-wear. :3
- Aw, Rich’s kind of shy but very happy smile. :3 <3
- Ha ha, Rich has this look on his face to Grace like “I hope you’re happy/okay about this hair because I’m not *pout*”
- Grace brushing his bangs. :3 <3
- Aw, Mini is being so sweet and mama bear with Franky, supporting her while she’s hurting from all the FML nonsense. <3 Poor Franky, though. Unrequited love sucks. :(
- Ah, there’s that scene with Blood in the garden that we were all wondering about earlier. So, that’s a golf club he’s got. I was wondering what that was. Why he’s doing some kind of yoga exercise with it, I still don’t know. LOL
- OMG, the vicar that is marrying Grace/Rich was in that Beatles tribute band with Alo’s dad and Dowie! LOLOL XD
- Rich: “If one note of ‘All We [Fucking] Need is Love’ plays, I’m going to piss all over his organ, Alo! I swear!” LOL, Rich! XD And Alo is so amused by it all. XD And I love how Grace rolls her eyes and then gives Rich a little elbow and a look like “oh, you behave!”, LOL.
- Ha ha ha, Alo has the directions (hand drawn by Dowie) written on the inside of a cut up Rice Krispies box! XD Well, that explains the Rice Krispies box.
- Oh, Grace, I think you are right to be concerned about Alo’s knowledge of getting there. Y’all are gonna get looooost in the woooods.
- RUH OH! “Special sort of short-cut B-route” Nothing good has ever happened when the person in charge of directions says something like *that*. Rich seems to be wisely genre savvy and senses no good will come of this.
- Oh oh, uh oh! Alo, listen to Rich! Do NOT try and go around the dead end! Don’t do it man!
- Yup, should have listened to Rich, thar, Alo. *shakes head*
- Oh, so Matty’s “I’m sorry” is apparently about having to turn Franky down. Well, Matty’s trying to be true to Liv then. Good. Good on you there, Matty.
- LOL, I can hear Rich and Grace in the background, chewing Alo out for his bonehead move.
- What the hell - is that a plush raccoon strapped to the front of Alo’s (now smoking) van? LOL XD Is it dressed like a bride? …Oooer, on second thought, (flashes back to some history lessons) unfortunate implications for the US audience considering the real bride is Grace and the plushie bride is a raccoon *headesk* I doubt the UK writers are aware of how hinky that could look to people in the US, though.
- Uh oh~! Leaking fluid from the van. Not good.
- Matty’s note: “Something I can’t stop” Kind of a vague turn-down. Trouble brewing.
- LOL, once more I am struck by how much taller Rich is than Grace when they stand side by side.
- Uh oh, no cell phone reception. Probably Blood’s GPS bug, still works, though. :/
- LOL, Alo trying to push the van. XD
- LOL, Nick! XD Nick is determined to par-tay!
- Aw, Nick dancing with Franky is pretty cute. :3 Grace is most displeased, though, that the situation with them being broke down and stranded in the woods before the wedding has gone off, is being taken so lightly.
- Oh, no - Alo’s van! D: Broken axel. RIP. :(
- Nick: “L- Look! It’s- it’s a frikkin’ angel!!” LOL, IRL XD
- LOL, Nick hugging the angel! XD
- OMG, I love how Franky drew the lipstick smiley face on the car window! What a great call back and book-end to Grace drawing the lipstick smile on Franky’s face in the mirror in episode one! :D That scene is so going to be made into an icon or two, later.
- Nick: “Maybe they’re...post-apocalyptic savages…that’ll eat ‘em alive and make, like, pants from their skin and a- and a fucking glockenspiel from their bones, and shit.” LOL, Nick, srsly dude, what kind of drugs are you on, this ep? And clearly you’ve watched the Mad Max movies and “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” or something, one two many times. XD
- Okay, seriously, WTF is up with Alo and the horse poop? XD Just what did you learn from your horse dooky investigation, there, Alo? IDEGI.
- And why don’t they start off by following the car that took Grace and Rich away? Clearly those people knew how to get to the church. And wasn’t Alo originally headed that way, anyway, before he crashed into the dead end? *scratches head*
- LOL, Blood is so stuck in the 80’s. Apparently, he decided to freeze his pop culture intake at the era of his teen years. NGL, as a child of the 80’s, this gives me the warm fuzzies (the music of my childhood - yay!)…and makes me feel old (the music of my childhood is now oldies - *weeps*).
- That golf outfit! XD I just can’t get over that golf outfit! He looks like he just stepped out of a “Caddyshack” movie.
- LOL, IRL, OMG! Blood is so shocked that he literally chokes on his sandwich and Mrs. Blood has to give him the Heimlich! XD And then he runs out of there to go after Grace like a character in a John Hughs movie! LOL, love it! XD (I now totally have the urge to make Skins gen3 vids using music from 80’s era John Hughs movies. …Oh, yeah. I will definitely be making some fanvids, later.)
- Nick: “Pit stop, you beautiful wankers!” LOL, Nick, you are in high form, today. You are totally winning me over with the funny. If you had been this funny in earlier eps, I think I’d have liked your character sooner.
- Nick: “Beer rain!! There is a god!!” XD
- LOL, I love the way they all pelt Nick with “beer rain”, esp. Franky. XD
- Uh oh, Franky is not happy that Mini has been conspiring to keep Matty away, behind her back. Hm, yeah, with Franky’s history of having been stabbed in the back by people, going behind her back was a bad idea. -_-
- LOL, love the way Alo says “Nononononono, we can’t split up!”
- Hm, so Liv is wanting Franky to come with her and Matty? No more jealousy? Or is Liv mad at Mini for being controlling and that has taken precedence over her jealousy?
- Aw, self-destructive Franky doesn’t want to listen to Mini. :( Franky understands Mini means well, but she’s in fuck-it mode.
- Aw, Mini so sad and worried as Franky walks away and runs after Liv and Matty. T_T
- Yay, now we know Grace’s mum’s first name - Sonja!
- Sonja Blood: “She isn’t a dog, David!” You tell ‘em!
- The bit with the Wurthers, LOL. XD Instead of chain smoking, Blood is snorking down Wurthers!
- Sonja opens his Wurthers, but she is not pleased. Maybe she’ll put her foot down, later, and stop Blood’s nonsense. *hoping*
- 13 children!! Ouch, that’s a lot of child birth to go through. And a lot of kids to take care of. O.O Love the look Rich and Grace give each other. XD
- LOL, Rich’s face as the old hippie dude talks. XD
- Old hippie dude was a roadie for Napalm Death! XD LOL, at the way Rich just lights up at that. Small world, eh, Rich?
- Alo: “We’re shafted! And it’s all my fault!” Aw, poor Alo. He’s trying but it’s not going too well. (Shouldn’ta tried to go through that dead end, man.)
- Aw, a little Malo palmance moment. :3 Follow Alo’s advice and go find Franky, Mins!
- Heh heh, love to see Mini be firm with Nick. That’s right, girl! Don’t suffer any more of his shit with a smile. Also gotta love the irony of Mini saying goodbye to Alo while snubbing Nick. Oh, how the tables have turned from earlier episodes! :)
- FML drug induced frolic in 3, 2, 1…
- LOL, Liv! What a dork! XD
- OMG, Liv! XD And she nicks the old guy’s flask!
- Liv and Matty, you are bad influences on Franky.
- LOL at Matty’s “Impressive!” XD
- Franky breaks a window, to get in! O.O Franky’s on a roll with the breaking and entering this ep.
- Pretty mobile thing time for Franky! :D
- Aw, poor Liv! :( She sees the way Matty is looking at Franky and it’s breaking her heart. :(
- Uh oh, “Game on!” time.
- Oh, Liv’s ploy for a threesome (or whatever she was trying to do, there) is turned down by Matty with a shake of the head! I didn’t see that coming. Matty’s got some sense. Good on you, Matty!
- Poor Franky must be feeling so confused, right now. She’s in the middle of a mess. :(
- Uh, oh! Someone is back!
- And now the gang are stealing coats!
- LOL, Mini! “It’s called grunge revival, okay!!” “Ground, swallow me whole, please!” XD
- LOL, IRL! XD Mini: “UH, RUDENESS!!” Sorry Mins, that guy had his patience tested earlier by Liv.
- Yup, I was right. Liv was trying to pull off a threesome. And thought that was what Matty would want. :/
- Matty: “She isn’t a fucking experiment, Liv!” Right on, Matty! You’ve got the crazy eyes, but you aren’t totally whack.
- Yep, that’s right Liv. If Matty doesn’t love you enough, then all the chemicals in the world won’t fix it.
- Aw, Liv, you’re breaking my heart! :(
- Uh, Liv, you can’t abandon Franky now that your ploy has failed. >:(
- Okay, Matty, I know Liv is a survivor, but she needs a soft place to fall just like everyone else. You, apparently, are ill equipped to be her soft place to fall. >:(
- Liv is more streetwise, so it does make sense to go after Franky to make sure she’s okay. Still, I feel bad for Liv, even though she’s done some jerkass things. :/
- Yay, Alo and Nick! Their antics will surely lighten things up. :)
- Did Nick just call Alo “Al Capone” and ask him for some pills? LOL XD
- Alo: “Aw, don’t take your dependency out on me, all right!” as Nick falls down and screams. XD
- Alo: “All right, I’ll roll you a spliff if you pick the pace up to ten, all right.” XD
- Love how Alo springs into action when it’s apparent Nick is in trouble. :) And his initial mini-flail as he sees what a fix Nick is in, followed by right back to caretaking. :)
- Ouch! What is Nick caught in?! Chicken wire?! O_O
- LOL, the old hippie couple is still waxing poetic about their marriage and love life! XD Rich and Grace’s reactions, LOL! XD
- I think old hippie couple might be giving both Grace and Rich second thoughts, LOL. Maybe they are thinking they don’t want to grow up so fast, even though they want to stay together. Maybe save marriage for when they are a bit older and enjoy being boyfriend/girlfriend a bit longer.
- Nick: “Go on without me! I’ll die here alone, it’s all I deserve!” LOL, IRL! XD
- Oh, it’s a rabbit snare! Ouch.
- Nick: “Save yourself and leave me to the bears!” Alo: “We’re in Somerset, Nick!” Nick: “…To the fucking squirrels, then!” LOLOLOL IRL XD
- LOLOLOL Nick: “It’s not them. It’s the smell of a loser’s death!” OMG, what a drama queen! XD
- Alo’s “there’s a good man in there” line, time. :D
- LOLOLOL Nick: “My beer! I want my beer!” Alo: “Nope! Let it go!” XD LOL, I love how Alo is forced to be the straight man, here. XD
- Nick: “You’re a good bloke, Alo.” Alo: “Yeah. I know.” :3
- Yay, Mini found Liv at least! :D Aw, big hug! :3
- Oh, ho! Liv has spotted Mini’s crush on Franky! She’s right, it is pretty blatant. :P
- Yay, Mini and Liv, friendship moment! :D
- Ha ha, Grace/Rich have finally arrived at the church and are able to escape the hippie car!
- That’s a weird roundy gate thing.
- “Born Again Again’s baptisms,” LOL.
- Bribing the vicar with 16 pounds and a refresher! LOLOLOL XD That vicar is quite the character.
- Grace has faith that their friends will be there while Rich searches out two people for backup - together, they have a “pray but row for shore” thing going on, which I think is a healthy balance. :)
- Awwww, sweet old couple is sweet! :3
- Franky has just now finally noticed she lost Liv and Matty! She really is out of it.
- Way to go scare the bejesus out of Franky, Matty. :/ Ya know, I don’t think many people really like the hand-blindfold greeting. …With Franky I wonder if it’s more than that. I think she might be having a flashback to something. That it might be a trigger. :(
- Wha…??? So, wait a minute…six year old Franky saw 9/11 on mute and thought it was beautiful (did she think it was a pyrotechnics show or a fictional movie, or something??) and she thinks her parents gave her up because she was “wrong” and they could tell from the start? :( T_T
- And it sounds like Franky was given up as a baby and grew up in the system, and like she thinks she’s permanently defective. Poor Franky. :( T_T
- PS: Franky, you aren’t “wrong” just because you misunderstood something and made a horrifying boo-boo. Maybe you think too far outside the box, sometimes, but that doesn’t make you demented (as long as you are willing to accept that you made a boo-boo when you made one, which you did.)
- So, Franky and Matty’s connection is that they are both effed up in the head. I understand why they feel drawn to each other, because of the understanding factor, but with them both being currently effed up, it’s not likely to end well…it’s likely they’ll just be going off the rails, together. :/ If at least one of them was a bit more stable, I’d have better hopes for it working out.
- Franky has a weird look on her face when she unzips Matty’s trousers. If I hadn’t already suspected it from interviews, I now highly suspect she’s suffered some past sexual abuse, at this point.
- Death knell sounding music does not bode well.
- Yep, some kind of horrible flashback must be going on for Franky. D:
- At least Matty has the sense to stop immediately and ask her if things are okay when he notices her spacing out.
- Poor Franky! D: I wonder if she thinks she won’t be able to be with anyone, ever, now (with her past trauma spoiling things). :(
- Uh oh, Liv and Mini think Matty attacked Franky.
- YAY! :D
- Group pull! :D Phew!
- Franky: “I just…wanted…to feel…normal.” T_T
- Alo and Nick hitchhiking together! :3 XD
- “DAVID FUCKING BLOOD!” XD That scene never gets old. :D
- Damn, still no cell phone reception!
- I bet it’s the hippie car that Alo and Nick are trying to flag down. Calling it!
- Aw, wedding time and still no gang. Grace and Rich are sadface. :(
- Grace: “Why did you cut your lovely hair?” Aw, Grace! :3 She misses the long locks, too.
- LOL, “Mr. and Mrs. Mainstream”
- Ah, Rich has learned that Grace doesn’t care about him being mainstream or not. Grace’s worries that he thought she wanted him more mainstream, are unfounded. :)
- Nope, no hippie car for Alo and Nick. They arrive in a shiny red car.
- LOL, that gate!
- Alo/Nick: “Blood is coming!” XD
- LOL, Alo straightening Rich’s tie. :3
- Uh oh, better do the quick version of the ceremony because here come the Bloods!
- Vicar: “All we need…is love.” Nick: *snerk* Rich: “Gr-eat.” Alo: *stifles himself* LOLOLOL XD
- Vicar: “All we need is-” Rich: “- to get on with the service!” LOL, he’s very Prince Humperdink with that line, LOLOLOL XD
- Too late! Blood arrives to stop the show!
- LOL, Grace’s mum! “An electric insect thing”
- Grace: “I’m your daughter, not Al Queda!” You tell ‘em Grace!
- Yay, go Sonja go! Finally, standing up for Grace. :D
- Whoa, Rich steps forward to deck Blood! O.O Good thing Nick stops him!
- Aw, Nick! Crowning moment of heartwarming, right there. <3
- Well, I guess Blood is giving up on trying to send Grace away or even stop the wedding. Yay!
- Grace: “Don’t ever cut your hair again. It’ll grow. You’re still my metal man. My own tin man.” :3 <3 <3 So freakin’ adorable and sweet! <3 (And yay, it sounds like Rich will be back to his long haired self in S6!)
- Yay, they decide to continue with boyfriend/girlfriend, for now! :D Plenty of time for marriage when you’re a bit older and at least one person has a job and you can live on your own.
- Alo: “Hark! I sense merriment afoot!” LOL XD
- Rich carrying Grace across the field! :3 <3 <3 <3 :D
- Aw, amicable break-up for Matty and Liv. I think it’s for the best. Good for you, Liv, for ending it now and without hard feelings. Liv - taking the high road! :)
- Yay, girls all friends, hand in hand! :3 <3
- Yay, boys all friends and dancing! Girls join in, and everyone’s friends and dancing! :D <3
- Even though I’m not into the Franky/Matty ship and I’m rooting for Minky, I gotta love Franky’s message to Matty. Great series book-end and roll reversal! :D “UR A GLORIOUS HEADFUCK THING. OWN IT.” XD
- Hm, will Franky and Matty wind up a couple or just friends? Will have to wait until next year to see what happens. I have a feeling they will wind up a couple, but I still have hope that Minky will be endgame.
- Glad that Grace/Rich didn’t get married but remain bf/gf. That gives S6 much less chance of loading them up with extreme drama lama. :)
- Hoping S6 brings the Minky. (I still wouldn’t mind Malo as a second choice. And I’d prefer Franky/Nick to Franky/Matty.)
- Ah, what a great series! Who can not love gen3? Srsly. <3
- Gonna have to have a lot of this music. :)
- I’m so looking forward to being able to buy Skins series 5 on dvd. C’mon BBC dvd, and release that Skins vol. 5 region 1 dvd, soon! I love being able to watch it on my computer, but I want it in spiffy dvd quality to watch on my tv, too!
- And now no more new Skins for a year! T_T
- *moseys off to make icons and fanvids*