I've finally gotten a chance to watch Liv's episode (yay!). And now, heh heh, I've got Nick's episode to watch, too. And Alo’s! (This has been a horrible winter for my sinuses. I'm so looking forward to spring. Hopefully spring will be better.) Now on to "Liv"...
Random thoughts on Skins s5 ep4 "Liv", as I watch it...
- Oh, snap! Liv and Nick are still carrying on an affair?! Not cool, guys. Not cool. >:( Perhaps I gave Liv too much benefit of the doubt in my last post. She resisted temptation with Nick initially back in ep 3 (in Mini's bedroom) so I thought maybe her romp with Nick at the party was due to her thinking he'd break up with Mini straight away, but perhaps not. And now, apparently she's just said to hell with it. Liv and Nick, for shame, you cheaters. For shame. >:(
- Well, Liv at least has the sense to be shamed. Nick = shameless. Nick >:(
- Love the song they are playing during Liv's walk home. :)
- Woah, that is a huge pink crystal rock Liv's mum has got. Dayum!
- LOL, Liv's mum is leaving for two days and trusting Liv with the house?! After just saying that she could sense the wonky aura Liv is putting off and how Liv has been coming home looking like a zombie each night morning for a week? Oh, Liv's mum, do you really expect some shit not to go down while you are away?
- Maude: "I liked it better when she was into aliens." LOL. It sounds like there's some ideology whiplash going on at Liv's house.
- Rich: "Why are we here? So *fucking* early?" LOL, Rich sounds so grumpy but when the door opens he's smiling. :)
- It seems to be news to Rich and Alo that it was Mini that invited them all to come over to Liv's, LOL. Apparently, Mini asked Franky and/or Grace and they plotted to bring the whole group over. Heh heh.
- Rich has such a "no good will come of this/what is this fuckery?" look on his face as Mini leads them inside. XD
- Alo: "I think someone broke into my van last night." Ah ha, that's what Liv and Nick were doing in Alo's van! They broke in! Naughty, naughty. :P
- When Mini smiles really wide, she reminds me of Laura Palmer from Twin Peaks. She's like a British Laura Palmer...actually, she kind of *is* like a British Laura Palmer. She's beautiful and popular and her life seems perfect to people who don't really know her that well, but on the inside she is pretty fucked up and those who know her best know that she has major issues underneath the queen bee facade. Not that Mini is just like Laura, or anything. But they have a kinda similar Dysfunction Junction thing going on.
- Ha ha, love Alo's "my mind, she is blown!" expressions as Mini goes through her apology. And Rich's expressions are a hoot, too. Esp. his "no fucking kidding" look when Mini says she's been a "bitch to all [them], some more than others" and that sour look he gets when Mini professes that the Fab Four is all "cool". LOL XD
- Franky's head down awkwardness about the whole situation is adorable and uncomfortable to watch at the same time. It's like she's expecting it to go all pear shaped at any moment and to feel bad for dragging the others into it, or something.
- Nick's wordless thumbs-up! LOL
- Alo: "Peace in our time!" LOL, I love Alo! <3
- I like how Rich is highly skeptical but ends on a grudgingly accepting "brilliant". Ah, Rich is indeed learning to compromise. Good on him. Although he's probably wise to be skeptical of Mini's Heel Face Turn.
- I love how Grace goes from giggling acceptance of Mini's apology and then kind of rolls her eyes good-naturedly at Rich's skepticism.
- Ah, so Rich gets squeezed into the group hug against his will, while Franky deftly escapes, LOL! You moved too slow, Rich. :P
- Rich: "No, I- I don't like hugs. Get off me!" said all while he reaches his arms up out of the group hug circle as if everyone were toxic to touch. Oh, Rich, you lovable curmudgeon, you! XD
- I love the little smile Liv and Franky share. <3 And I notice that Liv has also avoided the group hug (probably out of guilt in her case, rather than shyness like Franky).
- D'awwww~! Grace and Rich on the balcony look so cute together. :3
- Smoking pot in front of lil' Maude (who is no dummy and does not believe the "green tobacco" lie, LOL).
- ROFL, at Alo for claiming that Franky is smoking heroine (instead of tobacco) to keep with his lie! XD
- Love Liv's blue nail polish.
- Liv to Matty: "This is not a hookup. I've got interpersonal issues. And syphilis." LOL, Liv. XD
- I think Matty is going to turn out to be Nick's brother, or something.
- Whoa, the costume store scene is making me dizzy with that camera technique. @.@
- Uh, oh! Camera in costume shop! Owner turning sign to "closed". Creepy foreshadowing, oh no!
- Yay, Matty with the fire extinguisher to the rescue! And Liv gets in a good punch at the guy, too!
- Is the costume store owner a serial killer, because how else but killing Liv and Matty was he thinking he'd get away with the crime of sexually assaulting Liv and taping it?
- The bear costumes! So cute! :3 And delightfully weird.
- I'm starting to think that the drug is some form of ecstasy, by the way Liv and Matty are acting. Maybe some LCD like drug mixed in, based on the night club scene hallucinations.
- Aaaaw, Grace/Rich and Alo asleep on the couch. :3
- Woah, I was right. Nick and Matty are brothers. ...Kinda makes it weird that Liv has now slept with both of them. (Liv is certainly weirded out).
- Franky: "All that hate and blame is toxic." IA, Franky.
- Yay, costume shop guy has been taken in by police!
- Aw, poor Maude was in the movie theater all night and finally had to walk home! D:
- Yikes, almost lethal dose of alcohol for Liv. Liv, what are you doing?! Good thing Matty isn't a complete psycho as Nick claimed and at least stayed behind to help Liv (although she probably should have gone to the hospital, or something). Matty clearly has issues, although he doesn't seem like a bad guy at heart.
- Looks like Liv is in love with Matty, now.
- Oh, unreasonable and dangerous request of Mini to ask Liv to drink *another* bottle of Vodka! D: And Liv does it. D: Oh, Liv. T_T ...And then Mini says she hopes Liv dies puking out her kidneys! D: Wow, cruel. If Mini doesn't want to be friends anymore, or even wants to tell Liv off, okay, but no need to add mental mind screw and life threatening actions to the mix. That's taking it too far, Mini.
- Uh oh, big ass crystal is in the bin. I guess Liv's mum didn't have a good retreat.
- Aw, Liv takes the blame for the thrown crockery. Now I wonder if big sis did something violent (like attacked her mum) to wind up in jail. Actually, I’m pretty sure that’s what happened. :(
- Previews look very interesting...
- Alo's episode looks like lots of fun. :D
- Poor Franky looks to be in for heartbreak w/ regards to Matty. :( Probably for the best that ship isn't going to sail, most likely. Matty doesn't seem suited to Franky, now that I know more about him (and he seems to be in love with Liv, now, so unless that goes south, he's taken).
- Now that I know a bit more about Nick and his family, his episode is looking all the more interesting to me. (Even though he's my least favorite, I'm curious to find out more about him.)
- And: ooh, la la - there looks to be some good Grace/Rich action coming up. And I bet Rich is climbing up Grace's house gutter spout in that one clip.
- I'm def looking forward to Grace's episode a whole bunch. :D