Feb 07, 2011 02:52
I've rewatched the first two eps of s5 several times now, LOL. Snagged me some icons, too. If Grace/Rich doesn't wind up becoming canon, I'm going to be sorely tempted to write fic (and I'm already behind on my Snevans fic, which I've still been diligently working on - that angsty scene I'm currently writing is a toughie). Show, don't make me write fic! Make it canon! I'm also kinda hoping that Franky/Matty happens (Matty is the mysterious guy who showed up while Franky was shooting her gun).
I now also have "Killing In The Name Of" by Rage Against The Machine stuck in my head (~"Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!"~) and "Bodies" by Drowning Pool (~"One, nothing wrong with me! Two, nothing wrong with me!"~) stuck in my head. At least these will go just fine with the angsty scene I'm trying to write in my fic. Metal goes just fine with angsty Severus scenes.
I also fell in love with "Foxy Lady" by The Cure, and "Wreckin' Bar (Ra Ra Ra)" by The Vaccines, thanks to Skins series 5. Yeah, I have a Skins playlist on my mp3 player now.
In other news, I managed to snag the deluxe editions of OotP and HBP, today, for a good price. So pretty. And I love the full size chapter image gallery that came in HBP (too bad OotP didn't come with that, but it is still very pretty). I'm ordering the deluxe ed. of DH and the special edition of SS/PS from Amazon, since they have good prices on those two.
harry potter,
fic writing