Story arcs for ABFiW, with chapters added to each arc as they are written...
Story Arc #1 - OWLs
Chapt. 1 - Chapt. 2 - ...more on the way
Story Arc #2 - Penultimate Summer Holidays
Story Arc #3 - 6th Year
Story Arc #4 - Finale Summer Holidays
Story Arc #5 - 7th Year, NEWTs, and School Leaving
Story Arc #6 - Summer spent waiting for NEWT results, etc.
Story Arc #7 - Penultimate Arc Before Climax
Story Arc #8 - Big Climax Arc
Story Arc #9 - Bonus Arc 1
~ETA: If I get tired of writing it after arc #8 or #9, I may write an epilogue. We'll see.
(Put behind a cut, because this will be a long fic series.)