(I forgot to make a post on my own LJ about this, tsk! LOL). Anyway...
I've finally done it. I created a community for sane Snape fans. The community is
snape_sanity - For Snape fans who don’t hate everyone else in his life.
Here's a little excerpt from the community
profile page:
Are you tired of the misogyny and racism that lurks in Snape fandom? Are you tired of the canon bashing and JKR bashing? Are you tired of Snape being made into some pathetic woobie victim of fate? Do you want to nerd it up about Snape without the crazy fen stinking up the joint? Then come on over here to Snape Sanity: the Snape community for sane (yet still obsessed) Snape fans.
It won't stop the crazy fen from being crazy (I'm sure the crazy Snapefen will continue to provide plenty of mockable material for the HMS_STFU and Fandom Wank), but hopefully it will give the sane Snape fans a respite and chance to enjoy Snape fandom without wanting to pull their hair out.
There's also an
alternative version of Snape Sanity on IJ. (I actually formed it on IJ first, because I was a dork and thought the irony of Snape Sanity on InsaneJournal was funny. It was late and I was feeling punchy, what can I say? XP) Please join on LJ if you can, though, as it will probably be the more active version.
I think I've got the
"tenets of Snape Sanity" wittled down pretty good, but I welcome more input from sane Snape fans as to how I can make it more inclusive for all sane Snape fans. (I view Snape much less harshly than some sane Snape fans, so please help me "keep it real"). ;)