It's late, time to update!

Jul 31, 2004 04:16

My how time has flown since my last post. My last post . . . I supose should address that first and foremost. I don't feel it nessecary to cover the details, therefore I shall say that the matter has been settled. After Ryan gave a terse apology all my ill feeling towards him were replaced by the want to be friends again. I felt bad for saying what I said about him, however, that changed in an instant because it is all true. As of right now things are going well between us. I've been stood up twice, but I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. The last and final attempt shall go down on Tuesday, but this time I have an ace up my sleeve and I KNOW things will go well with or without Ryan making an appearance ^_~*

Gosh, so many things have happened I just don't know what to write. I FINALLY got the oil problem checked on my car. I broke down and took my car to the same shop that replaced my engine a couple years ago. Turns out the front seals was leaking off and on, apparently the passanger side was covered in oil O_o Yeah that'll explain why I'm constantly putting oil in my car. After 24 hrs. of tlc my baby was back in my possesion and running wonderfully. It's kind of weird not checking things everytime I leave the house, but I could get used to it. Now to tackle the brake problem . . . . .

On a school related issue I have 3 matters to discuss.
1.Financial aid and most other relate departments are really run by monkeys that speak. You think with what we spend someone could get something right *shakes head*.
2. FORKS for the fall is going well. Thanks to some summer assistance from Nate and Rach *huggles both* (you guys are a HUGE help to me) the flyers and banner project is going very well. After a recent convo with Rach and my bro, we might have a new activity for our meetings. The other day I recieved a list of 23 freshmen interesting in our little organization. Needless to say I was stunned. Realistically 5 may show, but 5 is A LOT to me. ^___^ Everytime I inform a current member of the potential members they groan and say "I don't want any freshmen in our club" I just laugh and say too bad.
3. I finished Bio II, I repeat I finished Bio II. And I thought the madness would never end. *sigh* makes me sad that I won't have anymore science classes, but happy at the same time. I'll miss the company, not the work. Besides, yackie will be residing a floor above us and meegy will just HAVE to visit more often, cult or no.

Yay, for tax free week! Mom took me and the bro out for some shopping. I've got some new threads (jeans for 4$!!!) and the cutest pair of vans. I couldn't help but smile at how good my brother looked. He seems happier then ever. He's working and seems to be headed in the right direwction. You have no idea how happy this makes me. My nifty new glasses FINALLY arrived. It took me forever to get used to them. Darn lenscrafters took long enough *grumbles*

And speaking of doctors, my pediatrician retired and the other one that took over her practice kicked me out! I guess It is time to move on, but still I loved Dr. Jean Bennet. She promises she'll still write me a recommendation. So I gots me a new doctor. Blah! They are making me do some blood work. On the good side she said I have excellent lungs *cheers* I haven't heard that in well, ever.

Everyone has been so sweet lately!!! I get all these nice random phone calls that turn into 3 hour conversations. Brooke called me the other day and we had a particularly good talk. That makes two gals that I've told my stories to and it feels good. Me and Rach are getting together. Yackie and I had a similar talk that we both agreed was a GOOD one. Meegy has been pretty consistent with calls lately and even Seanay has kept up. Oh I've even had a chat with Rob and Yudson, and a rief one withC dawg. Awww my friends are so good to me. It's so nice they actually show interest. I regret to say I've given up hope for others. It's very sad to say the least. i just have to accept that they aren't as interested in staying in touch as I am. I wished they'd realize how far a simple 'hello' can go.

That's really why things have been rather lonely in 'farm country' as people call my home. And Jess left for an internship in England and Scottland. How selfish of her to not realize she'd be leaving me all alone! *cries* ha ha, just joking of course. In my current situation, I've had to entertain myself. The alone time has been nice, but social butterflies really shouldn't be left to so long without interaction they tend to lounge around in sleep clothes all day and sleep excessively. ^_^; As of late, I've been renting the oddest movies. I've enjoyed such titles as MST3K: the pod people, Muppets from Space, the Emperors New Groove (hilarious, no I'm serious I LOVED this movie), and Pride and Prejudice the miniseries just to mention a few. Don't ask what provoked the sudden urge to watch movies, I can't explain.

Along with this new movie fad, I've also begun to devote hours of my day to reading books. This may sound normal and perfectly innocent to you, kiddies, but to me it's a radical shift. I usually spend hours listening to music and writing. Somewhere in the last couple of months I've lost my knack, my muse has left me and I can't get out a sentance that isn't forced or that I'm happy with. It'll all come back to me soon. My horoscope tells me that my mental juices will be kicking in this month. So watch out writing world! Oh, I forgot to mention that about two months ago, my writing group celebrated it's first b-day! I've actually kept something going for over a year. Whoo hoo!!

Oh, on a really weird note, has anyone else picked out the advertising genius in the new Autozone commercials . .I mean the lyrics to their theme song is stunning:
"If you want it
and you need it
just ask us
and we'll get it"
I can't make this stuff up people.

Well I think that's all You'll be able to get out from me this evening. ack it's 6:22, I need sleep or I'll never get up . .hmm not a bad idea ^_~

Quote for the day:
"poonty poodle, that's a good nickname, jes I like that"
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