Still alive...just!

Aug 24, 2008 21:21

Well by wednesday the bug was gone however moving swiftly into its place was a nasty head cold. Yay. I'm really hoping to get over THAT and not take up another illness before I leave on holidays this thursday! Eeeeek!

Due to feeling miserable it's been a pretty quiet week. I did have choir performance on thursday which was the day my throat started to really hurt, but luckily the two songs we sang weren't too high and I made it through without a coughing/sneezing fit! Yay me! They also fed us after the performance which was a novelty! Cut out on shopping early friday and skipped dinner plans due to increasing yuckness. Trust me you don't want to know more. I did still manage to buy some awesome red shoes which have green chillies on them! Arwen is an awesome spotter for me when shopping, she knows what I like! They were on sale and the last pair and just happened to fit. FATE!

Saturday I mostly lay about feeling crap but managed to clear out the spare room for my new housemate Brian who moved in today. Skipped gaming that night due to the continuing blech. Today I dragged my sorry carcas to the Swancon committee, then dragged home to do the bare necessary cleaning before collapsing on the couch again. The evening was spent with my indoctrination into the orginal Trek movies which I have never seen so Andrew came over and we watched Star Trek the Motion Picture. Wow, what can I say. I managed to stay awake!! Unlike Andrew who fell asleep despite me poking him periodically since he was the one making me watch them . Nah it was kind of cool, but definitely could have lived without the excrutiating shuttle docking shot at the start where they inist on going down the outside then in the front past the whole ship again and around the back before docking!?!

I hate so say it but a young William Shatner is kind of hot. I feel so dirty and wrong just typing that.

Oh Andrew also introduced me to a new tv show called The Middleman which was GOLD and I have to get copies of the rest of the series. It had me from the beginning when you've got the temp at a desk in front of a lab which is all glassed off. She's on the phone switching between calls from her mother and people callng the lab while in the background you see the scientists running around panicking and then lights going off and a gas filling the room, man sliding down the glass that kind of thing and then a giant tentacled creature wreaking havoc. Lots of fast funny dialogue in this one.

Okay I'm off to bed so that hoepfully I can manage to crawl into work tomorrow...
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