May 26, 2008 11:35
Looks like I'm enjoying another bout of whatever bug I had a few weeks ago, but this time I'm also running a temperature! Oh joy. Oh well at least I'm not vomiting this time. Th timing could be better since I have in inbox full of stuff I need to get done before I move departments but Dr Karl (his last name is unpronouceable so her goes by Dr karl instead - lol) said I'm probably going to still be feeling lousy tomorrow...optimist that he is! Evil man, as I was leaving said "see you in two weeks" as if I'm going to be getting this thing AGAIN! MEAN! . Ah wel at least I get to enjoy a few days on the couch with Mr Darcy ;)
In other fun stuff my friend Loraine indroduced me to the most fun stock market concept ever -it's called celebdaq, its on the bbc website and start with 10,000 virtual pounds with which to buy shares in celebrities, and their value is guaged on how often they are in the news . SO FUN! I could only afford 3 shares of Angelina Jolie but she's already made me a couple of hundred pounds in just a few days! Brad Pitt cost less so I have more shares in him - I figure with the twins being due soon they'll go up in value for sure! I also went for Amy Winehouse & Lilly Allen due to their controversial history. Got some David Hasselhoff ones just cause he was cheap and it amused me. Ooh also Mika since I know he has a new album coming out soonish! tehre are other s but I wont list them all. It's totally fun - check it out
Okay I'm off to eat some thing unexciting in the hope I won't regret it 20 minutes later \o/