Save me from 40 year old prima donnas!

Oct 18, 2007 22:47

It was a simple concept - we line the choir up and everyone gets assigned a colour that they have to find an article of clothing in so that the end effect is a rainbow (it is a gay choir after all). Everyone manages to do this except one woman who had a tanty because she didn't want to be green or blue (the colours in her section) so she has unilaterally decided that she is going to wear a purple feather boa because that's what she wants to wear. Okay. Never mind that 25 other people in the choir found something in their assigned colour even though it was likely not their favourite colour, and that she's going to be the one person not in colour order and will ruin the effect we were going for! Argh - stupid self-centred beeyatch! Okay deep breath, if she wants to look like a colour blind tool that is her perogative but lets hope the rest of us don't also look liek idiots as a result. Very annoyed.

In other more entertaining news I managed to get hit in the head by the volleyball in our game yesterday a record 3 or 4 times! Legend! The best was when someone set it too me that bit high and it went behind me, but as I was leaning back to try to get it I managed to trap the ball between my head and the net! Yay me! Everyone agreed it was a most spectacular and unusual move ;)
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