Most surreal start to the day, EVER!

Sep 21, 2007 21:54

So I get on the train at around 7.40am at my usual station, not really entirely awake or looking forward to work. I get on the train and it takes off.

Then the train says "Good morning, Tenille".


I look up and down the carriage whilst fearing for my sanity, and then the woman next to me asks "Are you Tenille?"

Thank god, it wasn't just in my head!

A good 10 seconds later I remember I'd heard that a woman I worked with previously was now driving trains for Transperth. Beeeeyatch!

I got an email from her when I got to work a bit later saying, "Did I scare you?". Apparently she had seen me get on the train, and after switching on the internal monitor which I was standing close too, decided to toally mess with my head by greeting me through the train-wide intercom. God knows what the rest of the passengers on the packed train thought as I laughed the rest of the way into town
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