Warning! Bad language ahead! You have one second to close your eyes before the profanity lands.
My Your "Mega Hardcore Son-of-a-Bitch Punk-Ass "Don't give a Fuck 'bout Nuthin" name is is Chaotic CuntFucker de la Shithead.
Take The Mega Hardcore Son-of-a-Bitch Punk-Ass "Don't give a Fuck 'bout Nuthin Name Generator today!Created with
Rum and Monkey's
Name Generator Generator.
de la Shithead, lol! After I did this one, the Name Gen kept repeatedly fucking up on me, saying that I needed to enter a name to get results when I HAD entered my name. :( And I wanted to know what my Crackhead Whore name would be... anyway, I gave up.
Hm, my stay in the hospital had an interesting outcome - I've had this thing on my leg, under the right knee, for the last few years. I really don't know what to call it; it's red and raised, just a patch of scaly, itchy skin, like Eczema? Something. I've tried every cream known to mankind to get rid of it; nothing has worked so far. While I was in the hospital, the nurse asked me a bunch of medical questions, and she asked if I had any skin rashes or something of that sort, so I told her about the patch under my knee. She looked at it, wrote something down, and that was that.
Just the other day, I noticed that it has shrunk. Most of it isn't raised at all anymore. The skin is still discolored, but when I run my finger over it, most of it feels like regular skin again. It appears to be going away. HOORAY! So, I wonder if they gave me something in the hospital to treat it, like, an anti-biotic, and it's slowly done its work. Goodiegoodiegoodie!
Dad and I are going to Olive Garden tomorrow night for a late birthday dindin out, for him and for me. Our birthdays are very close together. Olive Gardeeeeeen, yumyumyumyum. Practically everything there tastes like cooked bits of heaven.