Yay, the hiatus is over! Supernatural 10.10 is here!
In other words, spoilers.
I enjoyed the episode overall, though the convenient character stupidity bothers me a little. But that always bothers me whenever it's done in any TV show, movie, book, etc.
At first, I couldn't figure out what Crowley's mother was trying to do. What's her name again? Someone tell me so I can be lazy and not go look it up. In the previous episode, when she and Crowley had their long talk, I admit I wasn't paying very close attention, so I may have missed something. But then we got that shot of her stretching out in Crowley's throne. She wants to take Hell from him and be the queen! I hope the Winchesters wind up helping Crowley out of that one; it would be wickedly ironic. But, lesser of two evils and all.
As much as I loved seeing Dean get some payback on Metatron (yeeeah, that was schweet), that was probably one of the dumbest plans they've ever carried out. After Metatron lied his ass off to steal Castiel's grace for that spell, how can they trust anything he says? I guess he might know something since he's "the scribe of God," but was it worth the risk that he may escape? That he may lie to them again and do more damage?
What about, oh, I don't know, asking CAIN about the Mark? This is where the characters and being conveniently stupid so the problem doesn't get resolved too quickly comes into play. Cain's the one who put the damn Mark on Dean to begin with; wouldn't he be the best person (demon?) to find to ask how to remove the Mark? Why can't anyone on the show figure this out? Duuuh. Cain can probably remove the Mark himself. Or Dean has to kill him to remove it. Something. Whatever. Go to the source, you big gorgeous dummies.
Oh, and what was up with Castiel just standing back and letting Sam bang away at the door? I actually started laughing. :D As he's demonstrated before, Cas can blow a door off its hinges, so it was funny how long he stood back and let Sam try to break the door down before pushing him out of the way.
I'm glad that Claire backed down from allowing those skeevy people to kill Dean. I seriously thought they were going to turn out to be possessed by demons. Turns out they were just psychos who would murder a person after hearing a story they can't verify from an angsty teenager. Wow, Claire's got some good instincts about the scumbags she chooses to trust, huh? One would sell her to a rapist, and her new friends enjoy killing random strangers. After that, I couldn't believe Cas just let her go. At least try to find her mother to take care of her. Sure, her mom's been flighty as of late, but she probably has no idea her mother (Claire's grandmother) died. Maybe she would straighten up and take care of her kid if she knew the dangers Claire had been facing all this time. No, it's better to let Claire HITCHHIKE out of his life. Questionable Decisions, with Castiel...
Overall, I did like the episode. Jensen especially put in a good performance with all his sorrowful, angsty faces over what the Mark is doing to him. You know what I'd like to see happen? Dean gets a hold of the First Blade and goes demon again and kills Crowley's mother, and somehow Metatron gets out and he kills him too (and God doesn't give a shit, which is coyly pointed out to him before he dies), and they bring Cain in to get Dean back. I don't know, something like that could be cool. I'm beyond annoyed with Metatron's smarmy little attitude. I REALLY want Dean to get the final payback against him before all this is over.
And of course, if Dean does go demonic again, it would be really cool if he's out of his mind and about to kill Sam again, but this time, he fights that evil instinct (like Sam was talking about in this ep) and successfully pulls himself back from hurting his Sammy. I would just love that.
There's a spoiler for future episodes that I'm VERY happy about. I will now squee about it under this cut.
If you're unaware that there is a spoiler coming, you haven't been reading very closely. :D COLE IS COMING BACK!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!! I knew there was more to do with that character! Various pics have been posted on Twitter that confirm this, some of them by Jensen and Jared (who didn't mean to spoil us at all, but did anyway). Oh PLEASE can they NOT bring him back just to kill him? Can ONE interesting extra character actually LIVE for once? Kthanx, that'd be awesome.