Writer's Block

Dec 31, 2014 00:53

I've missed several Writer's Block questions due to being busy, so I'm going to catch up now. Anyone who is waiting for me to do something, I'll work on those things after work tomorrow when I can relax and stay up late (since I don't have to work Thursday). :)

If you won the lottery, what three things would you buy first? Would you give any to charity? Would you take the money all at once or get it in installments?

A new laptop, a house, a party that I'd hire Bon Jovi to play (I know Jon is up for that kind of thing since Mark Cuban hired the band to play his wife's birthday party). Sure, I'd give some to charity. Whether or not I'd get it in installments would depend on how much money I was getting.

What’s the most unusual thing you've ever eaten? Did you like it? Would you eat it again?

Octopus. It was okay. Nah, wasn't that special.

Do you have any family heirlooms? If so, what are they and why are they significant to you?

One of my mother's rosaries. It's significant to me because it belonged to my mother. (Duh.) I also have a bunch of sets of salt and pepper shakers collected by my parents. They are significant to me because they came from various vacation places my parents visited when they were a young couple.

What horror fiction character scares you the most?

Sadako. Because she's fucking scary. She looms over people, which is often scarier than if she chased people down.

Who was your first best friend? Are you still in contact with them? If not, what would you say to them if you could talk to them today?

Teresa, my friend from kindergarten. Not currently. She moved away and we kept in touch for years, and then visited with each other sometime in the early 2000s. Since then, we've lost touch again. I would say hey, how's it going? :)

Pet peeves are those seemingly-minor things people do or say that really annoy you. What tops your list of pet peeves?

Hypocrites. People who give me a hard time about my music. I like what I like, deal with it. People who misspell my name or call me Laura after I've clearly spelled out my name for them. Lazy asses who come into work and either chat all day while I'm picking up their slack or do a horrible job, and seem to get away with it. Lazy asses period. People honking as they drive by the bus stop in order to startle me. Guess what? You startled me. Yippee for you, asshole. People with no talent who think they're the best at whatever they think they can do (like those idiots who go on "American Idol" who can't sing worth a shit and then get an attitude when the judges tell them they suck). I better stop before I go on and on with this.

writer's block

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