
Oct 12, 2013 19:49

So far, there is only one offer for one of the fandoms I requested for Yuletide. If this continues, I will be very happy for the story I do receive but I will not be surprised for which fandom it will be. Boo! Me like to be surprised! Get to offering, people! You know my incredibly strange ideas are an enticing write!

Whoever nominated "Miracles," why you no request? I'm also looking at you, nommer of "Cooking Fast and Fresh with West." I'm intrigued. I want to know what you were thinking of when you got to nomming those. I'd like to be surprised for what fandom I'm writing, too.

At this point, I'll either be writing fic for "Candle Cove" or "The Following," and for both, I only have the chance of matching with one person. "Candle Cove," because there's been only one request so far, and "The Following," because I only offered certain characters and cannot match with at least two of the requesters because of it (at least at this point). I would be happy to write either one not only because I enjoy the fandoms, but because the requesters have written Dear Yuletide Author letters and have left what they want very open for me. That's nice in this case. It still would be nice to be surprised, though.

Can't wait to be off all these antibiotics. They've been making me very nauseated the last few days. :P

the following, sick, writing, yuletide

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