
Jul 21, 2013 01:54

I'm still trying to decide what I want to submit to Creepypasta, if anything at all right now. The story I was talking about before has taken on enough life in my head that it can no longer be a short, snappy little thing like what you usually read on Creepypasta. But, when do I ever write anything short? I think it will serve me better to use it as part of a longer work, like a chapter in one of my books or something.

So, I'm trying to decide if I want to submit Between Outerscope and the Sleestaks to the site since it is a "Candle Cove" fic and the site archives good "Candle Cove" fics. The reason I'm unsure if I want to do it is because of the length. It's almost 10,000 words long. The webmaster of Creepypasta says that most of the readers of the stories on the site are junior high to high school age. I'm not sure how they know that, but I would think at least some of the readers are that age judging from the comments. I seem to see, "Wow, this was really, really long," comments on a lot of the stories in my word count range. I'm just not sure I want to open myself up to a lot of dumb comments about how the story was too long, OMG READING IS SO HARD kind of stupidness. You have to understand, I started reading 400-page Stephen King novels when I was 10. A story being long has not been a problem for me for a long time. I weep for any generation that thinks a story being over 1,000 words makes it hard to read. As long as you keep things interesting, length should be of no consequence. Anyway, I would like to submit the story since it is "Candle Cove," but I know if it gets a bunch of idiot comments like some of the other stories that it will drive me crazy.


(Side note, yes, my mom let me read Stephen King novels when I was ten. We went to the grocery store and I saw a paperback of Pet Sematary on the rack and asked if I could have it. I had heard about Stephen King on TV and wanted to give his books a try. She was troubled by the thought of me reading horror at my age, but I had always been a voracious reader and was considered advanced in that vein, so she said I could have it. She said it might scare me too much and if it did, I could stop reading. But it did not scare me, and I did not stop. I've never looked back.)

books, writing, fanfics

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