Reposting and updating my upcoming Big Bang/Writing scheds.
Sched for
Mix Rough Drafts Due: November 1, 2011
Author Sign Ups Close: November 5, 2011
Mix Claims Open: November 10, 2011
Rough Drafts Due: January 10, 2012
Artist Sign Ups Close: January 15, 2012
Story Claims Open: January 20, 2012
Final Stories/Art Due: March 25, 2012
Posting Begins: April 1, 2012
My part in this is done. Just waiting for my writers to create their masterpieces. :D
June 7: One More Cherry Tree: m-sailorhathor w-wolfinred, a-imaginary_rose
June 19: Snakes that Rattle: m-sailorhathor, w-kittydesade
Sched for
December 15, 2011: Writer check-in for all.
January 7, 2012: Mini-bang summaries are due.
January 15, 2012: Mini-bang list of stories go up. Artist claiming starts.
February 1, 2012: All Mini-bang stories are assigned to an artist. Artists begin working.
March 23, 2012: Mini-bang stories and art are due.
February 7, 2012: Big Bang summaries are due.
February 15, 2012: Big Bang list of stories go up. Artist claiming starts.
March 1, 2012: All Big Bang stories are assigned to an artist. Artists begin working.
April 15, 2012: Big Bang stories and art are due.
(Writing: Supernatural story about Dean being kidnapped by someone who wants revenge)