Oh yeah, I guess I could pimp this here O_o;;

Sep 14, 2011 01:31

Title: That a Boy, Clarence
Author: Me!
Recipient: Written for ninkasa in the spnraritiesfest challenge.
Word Count: 4,106
Characters/Pairings: Meg/Castiel
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Graphic het sex. Language. Spoilers for season 6. Meg makes threats of violence against babies.
Summary: Even angels, it seemed, had an ego. Prompt was this NSFW picture.
Author Notes: Takes place after "Caged Heat." Thanks to tvsgrady for looking it over. :)

Currently I am putting loose photographs in photo albums, and I am really enjoying it! There are so many pictures I've come across that I forgot I had even taken. It's a fun bit of rediscovery. ^_^

fanfics, my stuff, spn fanfic

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