Got an interview at a salon on Monday for a Receptionist position (meaning that I answer phones and make appts and stuff). AppleOne is going to send me on an interview in a couple weeks for a call center job. So, hopefully I will be employed by July. :)
To motivate myself, I went ahead and signed up for
horrorbigbang with a Vampires: Los Muertos/Supernatural story. It's a whole new idea I have, and the due date is far away, which is why I signed up even though I'm still on the fence about the other BB's I've signed up for. Meh, whatever I can get done, I'll get done. The mod said you can't use a WiP unless your entry in the BB will finish the WiP, which is why I'm not using this BB to continue any of my existing stories. There's no way 15,000 new words would finish either "SJWTBH" or "Lacerated Sky." It's unlikely I'll sign up for
oc_bigbang because the due date is just too soon after trying to get two other BB's done by mid-July. You know I just love trying!
Anyway, now that I'm done babbling, newly updated Big Bang posting schedules:
Sched for
Friday, September 2: Early Bird Art Submissions Due/First Artist Check-in
Monday, September 19: Art Submissions Due
Thursday, September 29: Claims Open
Tuesday, October 4: The Big Reveal
Friday, October 21: Posting Schedule Announced
Tuesday, October 18: Second Artist Check-In/First Writer Check-in
Tuesday, November 1: Writer Rough Drafts Due
Monday, November 7: Posting Begins
Sched for
November 2 - Artist Sign Ups close + Fic Rough Drafts Due
November 4 - Artist Claims Open
December 4 - Artist Rough Drafts Due
December 10 - Big Bang Posting Begins
(Writing: The SPN/Xena fusion)
Sched for
Check point #1 - Oct 3rd
Check point #2 - Dec 1st
Summaries due - Jan 6th
Rough drafts due - Jan 9th
Art claims begin - Jan 11th
Final fic/art due - Feb 28th
Posting begins - Mar 1st
(Writing: Finishing the SPN/Miracles S/T story)
Sched for
January 3: Writer rough drafts due, Artist sign-ups close
January 5: Artist claims day
March 1: Art rough drafts due
March 15: Posting begins
(Writing: SPN/Miracles next Dean/Paul and Dean/Paul/Dean with Slenderman)
Sched for
Mix Rough Drafts Due: November 1, 2011
Author Sign Ups Close: November 5, 2011
Mix Claims Open: November 10, 2011
Rough Drafts Due: January 10, 2012
Artist Sign Ups Close: January 15, 2012
Story Claims Open: January 20, 2012
Final Stories/Art Due: March 25, 2012
Posting Begins: April 1, 2012
Sched for
December 15, 2011: Writer check-in for all.
January 7, 2012: Mini-bang summaries are due.
January 15, 2012: Mini-bang list of stories go up. Artist claiming starts.
February 1, 2012: All Mini-bang stories are assigned to an artist. Artists begin working.
March 15, 2012: Mini-bang stories and art are due.
February 7, 2012: Big Bang summaries are due.
February 15, 2012: Big Bang list of stories go up. Artist claiming starts.
March 1, 2012: All Big Bang stories are assigned to an artist. Artists begin working.
April 15, 2012: Big Bang stories and art are due.
(Writing: Supernatural story about Dean being kidnapped by someone who wants revenge)
Sched for
Art Claiming: Mar. 18, 2012 (approx)
Art & Final Story Due: Apr. 25, 2012
Public Posting: May 01, 2012
(Writing SPN/Miracles/As Good as It Gets x-over; 20,000 words)