TV ranting and raving (raving meaning the good thing)

Nov 07, 2003 02:18

I wanted to yack about why I don't like that new show "Tru Calling." I watched the first ep because Hudson Leick was in it (she played the girl Tru was trying to save). (She played Callisto on "Xena" too, that's where I know her from.) First off, the show is a lot like a show from the 90's called, "Early Edition," I believe, about a guy who got tomorrow's paper today and then had to prevent the tragedy written about there. It just reminds me too much of that. Second, the first scene at Tru's mother's funeral was just too hurried and badly acted; I didn't feel that these kids had lost their mother at all. They didn't even seem to be numb from shock--they were just lousy child actors reciting memorized lines. Then, Tru is supposed to save this woman from dying, but she makes so many boneheaded mistakes that I wanted to kick her in the ass every ten minutes. You can't just walk up to a stranger and go, "You're going to die today." You need a good story, damnit. Plus, she knows the time of death is 10pm, yet she LEAVES Rebecca alone before ten, dusting her hands off as if her work is done! So there's no chance the dude could get another gun and come back and shoot her? No chance Rebecca could drop the gun and it goes off, killing her? Nope, Tru's job is done! She's disarmed the person she thought was going to shoot Rebecca, so time to go have a drink even though it's not ten yet! PBBBT! :P Moron. She was lucky she saved her at all. Sorry for the spoilers, but I didn't like the show enough to mark this post with a spoiler warning. Why are people on tv so dumb? If I could understand the mistakes she made, I could deal with it and relate to the character, but they were just dumbass mistakes. Lastly, I'm not that crazy about Eliza Dushku. She just rubs me the wrong way, for some reason.

And hasn't "Angel" sucked rocks so far? Spike is cool, gets the best lines, but not even he can save this show for me. This week's ep was just... O_o <--- that face. Mexican wrestling?! MEXICAN WRESTLING?! Have they completely run out of ideas?! Are the writers doing too much damn crack?! "Hey, we can't think of anything supernatural to do our supernatural show about... I KNOW! MEXICAN WRESTLING! And we'll try to make it all serious instead of laughable! That's a great idea! High five!" >_<

What's next, the Vampire Women? <--- MST3K joke

I was, though, pleasantly surprised with the movie "Chill Factor." I watched it tonight on TBS because one of my favorite actors is in it (ooh GUESS!), and I'd heard it sucked. It was much better than people gave it credit for! Now, it did have the dreaded "9-1-1, please hold" bullshit; does that really happen?!?! 'Cause if someone can produce an article for me about a division of 9-1-1 that actually puts people on hold, I'll shut the fuck up and lay off "Panic Room" for that too. ^_^ Otherwise, Hollywood, STOP DOING THAT! It's not believable!!

Anyway, it was really funny! Very formulaic, but still made me laugh out loud several times. Skeet makes a good straight man to Cuba's wacky, funny guy. It would have been even funnier if TBS hadn't changed all the "oh shit"s to "oh shoot"s. Like you're going to be saying, "Oh shoot!" when you're going down a hill out of control in a bass boat. Don't know about you, but that would warrant an "oh shit" and several "oh FUCK!"s out of me.

My favorite parts were when (switching to character names here) Arlo declares he's not taking Mason anywhere, then Mason sticks the gun in his face and he replies, "How far you got to go?" Nice timing, got the first big laugh out of me. Probably most favorite moment was when Mason had been shot in the leg, so he couldn't really run on his own, and they were trying to get away from the terrorists, and Arlo just jumps up and runs off. Mason goes, "ARLO!" and then Arlo runs back, making excuses as to why he just ran off without him. It was done well, very funny.

I want to ride on the Chill Factor ride at Chill Factor Land. That trip down the hill in the bass boat looked extremely fun. Even if I would be cussing and squealing the whole way. ^_^

A little advice, though: Shouldn't have made the Elvis stuff need to stay below 50 degrees in temperature. People would instantly think of "Speed" with its 50 mph speed thing. It just bothered me; they could have chosen another number. Also... okay, all adult males named Tim, get outta here. Okay, rest of you--Tim is not a name for an adult male. Timmy or Timothy, those are names for adorable rosy-cheeked little boys and cute little mice. Didn't like that name. You can't even really adult the name up by just using Tim; still sounds too cutesy. :P Sorry to any Tims I offended. You can make fun of my name. I suggest calling me Loreal.

Bottom line: "Chill Factor" yay! "Tru Calling" boo!

tru calling, skeet, chill factor, angel

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