*Runs around in circles because I'm hyper*

Jun 09, 2010 03:13

Are there any Big Bang communities currently open or soon will be open for claiming where a SPN/Miracles AU would be welcome? I really want to write this new idea I have but I need the motivation of a deadline for me not to put it off. crossbigbang would be perfect, but it's uncertain whether they will have a second round this year. I can already tell from the stuff running through my head that it'll be 15,000 words or more easy. Ahhhhhh! *Boing boing boing*

I need to edit my "Last Comic Standing" tags and integrate them all. I have like 3 different ones. Woops. Did anyone else watch the start of the new round on Monday? I don't have a favorite yet but I can already see them putting some unfunny women through simply because they must make their hot chick quota. 9_9 That's so annoying. I am extremely glad that at least three really funny chicks made it through in spite of that. :D Anyway, under the cut I'm going to talk at length about the comedians I really liked, including almost completely recreating the bit I liked most. So, if you consider that kind of thing to be a spoiler, spoilers!

One person I'm having some trouble liking is Lori Killmartin. (I think her first name was Lori.) I did like the one joke she did about how she wanted to marry Charlie Sheen so her new name could be Lori Killmartin-Sheen. But all the child abuse stuff really bothered me. That's a really grey area. There are certain subjects that it's hard to make fun of without amusing some people and making others cringe. She didn't do the jokes in a way that I can enjoy them and not just be reminded of all the similar stories we've had on the news this year. I mean, "My boyfriend at the time was so frustrated with my baby crying that he wanted to throw him against the wall and I said no, the window is better," (I'm paraphrasing a bit but that's essentially her joke) that's not a joke that everyone can appreciate. I just cringed my way through most of her act because in a short span of time, we've had three kids get killed in the Dallas area by abuse and neglect. Even if that hadn't happened, I still would have been cringing at her delivery.

It's like, there's this one comedian who makes jokes about his mother beating him but it's done in a way that you don't really feel it was abuse, just a mother momentarily losing her cool at her extremely hyper son. He'll imitate what he was like as a child, hopping around and talking non-stop about what happened on "Scooby Doo" and such, and then say that he did it in Wal-Mart so his mother picked up a bag of dog food and hit him with it. The whole routine is done in such a way that I'm imagining this kid driving his mother crazy and then suddenly, she whacks him with the dog food and he goes down, and it's a really funny mental picture. I'm not sure I'd react the same way if it happened right in front of me, but the comedian's delivery made it funny. At the end, he always does another routine about talking back to his mom and how "she hit me with the car" and it's just hilarious because you know he doesn't mean it. With Lori Killmartin, her delivery and setup just leaves me with a completely different impression, one I'm sure she's not aiming for. But there it is anyway. *Shrug* (I'm not saying that I believe that the woman is really beating her child. But her delivery gave me this feeling that she's capable of it? I don't know how else to word it. She just really creeped me out.)

I liked the guy with the routine about how the B-52's will sing about anything. I liked the one joke from the punk nerd who said that he does have financial stability, he's "always broke;" in fact, I laughed out loud at that. But now I'm thinking that I've heard that joke before somewhere, possibly on a bumper sticker; I know sometime in the recent past I wanted to use that on my profile. I really liked the one cynical lady, Paula. I'll be watching her. I wish the guy from Dallas had been funnier. He was funny at times, but his delivery was so hyper that he was kind of hard to keep up with. I liked the joke about not riding a Tyrannosaurus Rex because "look at your tail, you'll wreck my barn." XD WTF? He was really silly.

My favorite routine of the night had to be the one woman and her fake resumes (Stella). She talked about putting fake jobs on her resume and then having her sister act as the "manager" of all these jobs when the employers checked her references. Stella said one of the fake jobs she put down was "astronaut" XD XD and then imitated her sister as she received one of these calls. (I can't remember what the actual name of the kid who wouldn't get off the bed was, so I'll just call him Johnny.)

"Hello? Yes, this is NASA." XD XD "Oh yes, she is an excellent astronaut, she goes to the moon three or four times a week." XD XD XD "Johnny, get off the bed! Oh, no, no, I'm not busy. I'm just about to do a countdown. Ten! Nine!" *Mimes like she's going to smack the kid who won't get off the bed* XD I died laughing at that whole thing; I watched it twice! I need to make sure I keep that recording. (I don't usually tape stuff, but I did tape that because I couldn't watch most of it while it was on.)

Did LCS even come on last summer? I remember searching NBC all summer for it and it never seemed to come on.

writing, last comic standing

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