Music and characters

Apr 10, 2010 02:17

I'm going to type up my SPN review and post it sometime soon. I've heard LJ is having issues so I want to type it in WordPad, saving as I go along, then post it all at once. That way, I won't lose anything.

I dropped out of both Big Bangs. I'm not going to beat myself up over it because the shoulder is the major culprit. Also hit plot snags in both stories and I'd like some time to figure them out before they become public ('cause I'm still going to finish the stories, just not now). One BB has offered to let me turn in what I have and finish by May 3rd, but I'm not sure. I just have a big plot snag in that one. Gotta think about it.

Not sure I should really sign up for BB's anymore. It exciting and all, but the muses don't work well on a time schedule - they finish stories when they're damn good and ready, not when I tell them. And I always wind up doing my own art. So what's the point?

I did write 1,700 words of the next chapter of "She Just Wanted to be Heard" last night until I reached a good stopping point (and my shoulder was starting to bother me). Ahhhh, that's good writing. *flies high* Those characters were really talking to me, so the writing wasn't halting and awkward. Just floooooowed outta me.

Anywho, to my question. Fellow writers and fanficcers: Do you find that certain songs/artists define a character/story/relationship for you to the point that listening to that song/artist brings the character/etc out in your head like gangbusters? Like, one example for me - I've been wanting to write some stories about the life of Theresa Callan up to her death (Paul Callan's mommy on "Miracles"). We barely saw her, just a brief glimpse in Paul's dream, but she babbles at me a lot. For some reason, Tori Amos in general really brings her out in my head. Especially "Hey Jupiter." I'm going to have to go back to using Julianne Moore as her Live Action Model (with brown hair) because she refuses to let me switch to someone younger. Oh well. I try to use the youngest pics I can find while still maintaining the image I have in my head. Theresa comes out very no-nonsense, which, Julianne Moore has that look. (BTW, I didn't name her. Her name is on Paul's dossiere from "The Friendly Skies.")

Dean/Paul is defined by a lot of power ballads, which drives Dean nuts, LOL. I need to make a soundtrack one day.

Oh, B-chan, were you planning to do anything with your truck LJ's again someday? I was going to unfriend them if you've abandoned them. You don't even have the truck anymore, right? XD

writing, she just wanted to be heard

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