I don't think I have a great deal to say about this episode; it was entertaining.
- Loved Dean's story about the Sea Monkeys. I beleived that too, that sea monkeys were really like the picture in the ad, when I was a kid. Kinda scared me.
- Loved Dean making the face. "Your face will stick like that."
- Loved Dean's hairy palm from masturbating. XD
- The moment that made me laugh the hardest was Castiel sitting on the whoopee cushion. I thought Sam would get it, but it was even better that it was Castiel. "That wasn't me." And then the sweet, mischievous tone that Dean used when he said, "How'd that get there?" XD Best moment of the whole ep.
- I know many anti-Cas peeps will be angry that Castiel reminded Sam that HE didn't make the right choice. But I was waiting for it. Sam just left himself so open for that comment. Technically, though, Sam THOUGHT he was making the right choice, and Cas helped him screw up by letting him out of the panic room, but Cas ALSO thought he was doing what needed to be done although it didn't look like the right thing at the time. So everyone's a bit at fault. Still, Sam setup the line and it had to be said.
- I think I liked the original meaning of anti-christ better. It would have better explained how the kid was so freakin' powerful. They're lucky the kid was so reasonable; most kids given a power like that would have abused it, once they knew they had it. I mean, the setup for his birth seemed like a "child of Lucifer" kind of thing anyway, so I'm not sure why being the child of a regular ol' demon would make him able to do all those God-like things. I'm hoping they'll reveal later that, at least, it was a really powerful demon and not one like Ruby or something. The way things stand now, I'm not that happy with the basics of the story. Why is a demon/human hybrid so superpowered? He turned an angel into an action figure, for pete's sake. I'm also hoping they won't use Jesse as a convenient Marty Stu way of getting Sam and Dean out of their mess with the Apocalypse and Lucifer. I'd feel cheated with an ending like that.
Oh, what a crappy last few days I've had.
First off, since last weekend, I've had this pain in my left side that just won't go away. It feels like a pulled muscle. I attributed it to the hole in my mattress (majorly saggy place) since the area where the pain is fits perfectly in that hole. I rearranged all my blankets so they padded up the hole better and waited for it to feel better. Thursday, I went out to run errands and had my bra on for about four hours, strap going right across the pained area. Shortly after I got home, the pain became excruciating. I could hardly move. So I took a couple doses of some muscle relaxants that my doctor gave me last year, and it seems to be working. The muscle still feels like a knot when I touch it, but it's much more relaxed now and not hurting as much. Still, it really slowed me down all week.
Then, the situation with unemployment became a lot more desperate than I originally thought. My claim is technically open until Jan. 11, 2010. But, as I found out when I checked last night on a hunch, I only have enough money left in there to last until maybe the end of November. If I don't have a new job by about mid-November, I'll be in serious trouble. I don't even think I'll have enough to pay December's rent. Now, I know, ooh, that's a long way away, but I can't help but panic at the thought. I've read about getting an "extension" on unemployment, but would that even apply when all your money has run out? (The maximum they're supposed to pay you on your existing claim.) I have no idea how this works. I have no idea if I can get a job in time. Someone could call Monday offering me a job and no one could call for four weeks. It's not knowing that is driving me insane. I need things to be more definite or I start panicking. And when I panic, I can't get shit done. The only thing that calms me down is distracting myself so I don't think about it or taking prescription drugs with an anti-anxiety ingredient. If I had some now, I'd be taking 'em, trust me!
I wish I had realized this sooner. I let some things go that I could have put on hold/cancelled, and now it's too late. I thought I had enough money and enough time. I wish I had stayed on top of it better, but I just kept thinking I had until Jan. 11th.
To remedy this, I have to redouble my efforts to find a job ASAP. It's all I can do. I've got four weeks to get and start a new job to be safe. If I have to take the last two weeks of November, I might be able to do it. But mid-November is the safest thing.
To top it off, I woke up today feeling horribly sick again. Which could be part stress-related, I don't know. I just know that I awakened feeling fatigued, achy, stuffed up, upset stomach, and couldn't even see straight for hours. I'm feeling a little better after taking a couple doses of medicine. It does make me wonder if I'm ever going to recover from pnuemonia/bronchitis and other sinus issues without buying so much cold medicine that it looks like I'm running a meth lab or something. 9_9
Of course, with all the panicking and woe is me-ing, it brought up a lot of issues with my family and feeling unloved and lonely and just generally being tired of people who are supposed to love me treating me like I don't matter. I am SICK of my life being one crisis after another that I must deal with without any help from the people who are supposed to love me. I'm sick of feeling like there must be something wrong with me for so many people to just throw me aside. In good times, I feel like I'm a pretty neat person. In unsure times, I feel like I'm worthless and everyone would just be better off if they didn't have the burden of my presence around. Fighting against these negative feelings has become harder and harder the more shit that happens to me.
If you talk to a higher power, put in a good word for me, please? LAUREL NEEDS A JOB BY THE END OF OCTOBER, PLEASE! That would sure help.
Encouragement would be great. Meme time.
One little compliment can make you feel amazing. So give me a compliment, anything in the entire world, even that my shoelaces are pretty. Put this in your journal. And once you get some comments, put that entry in a memory or tag and when you are feeling down, just go to that entry and this will remind you of how great you are.
Sorry to blantantly fish for compliments, but you heard the meme. ;)