The bee-are lick-e-duh the hoe-nee! THE BEE-ARE LICK-E-DUH THE HOE-NEE!
I bet you can read better than that.
She Just Wanted to Be Heard, Day 19: Sordid StoryAuthor:
sailorhathorFandom: The Ring
Chapters: 19 of 100
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 3,068
Summary: Stacy gets into a fight with her friend Jasmine for cryptic reasons. Boston Central High is buzzing with questions about who put the threatening graffiti on the bathroom wall. That afternoon, Stacy's boyfriend, Beckett, heads over to Jodie and Quinn's to do a psychic reading of Samara's videotape.
Warning: Contains spoilers for the entire Ringu/The Ring series. There are spoilers for a movie called The Rules of Attraction in this chapter, but they are minor considering the characters involved in the scene discussed are never named.
Fanfic Challenges: Fits the following fanfic challenges.
50_darkfics: #19 Slave
coclaim100: #19 Road Trip
varietypack100: #5 Outsides
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