Some spoilers below the cut.
spn_fridayfive 1. Imagine you've been told, for whatever reason, that you must rename Sam and Dean. What would you rename them?
I can't really think of any other name for Sam. Sammy is a cute nickname, so he can stay with that. Dean needs a really awesome, hot name, like Adrian or something equally exotic. Although, I've gotten so used to Dean on him that Dean has become synonymous with HOT SEX GOD.
2. What types/genres of novels can you see Dean and/or Sam reading?
Sam - pretentious classic novels that are really quite boring. Dean - steamy romance novels, lol. And mysteries. It just fits him.
3. What was one twist in season two that you did not see coming?
That the prison guard who kept giving Dean shit in "Folsom Prison Blues" was Deacon.
4. If Dean and/or Sam had an email address, what do you think the address would be?
Sam - a phrase from a classic novel, like "Catcher in the Rye"
Dean - Dr_Feelgood XD
5. The season two finale is quickly approaching. What one thing tops your Must-Not-Happen-To-The-Winchesters list, other than their death?
Uhhhh... Neither must grow any facial hair, 'cause they look crummy with it. Dean must not kiss Jo, either.