May 04, 2006 00:38
I'm currently stuck using my old computer, which is in the living room, because my regular one did some funky thing tonight and won't sign online now. I'm hoping a nice long rest will fix it, but if not, I'll try reinstalling aol and see if that does it. If not still, I'll consider buying a new hard drive/tower/whatever. I'll have to save up for it, but at least I have this one until then.
Okay computer experts, tell me what happened. That computer has been locking up A LOT over the last few months. When it does, all I can do is reboot, which is what I did this time. Except it wouldn't reboot. I finally got it to boot up somewhat, and it said something to the effect of that there was an "error in the system registry" and that it would repair it on reboot. Rebooted. System registry seemed to be repaired. But after, it just kept refusing to get online. Won't even dial now, just opens that window, sits there, then says there was an error in connecting to aol. It doesn't say it can't detect the modem or anything of that nature; it just won't even try to dial in (still on dial-up, just fyi). So, is there something I can do to fix this?
I'm just glad I was able to get the computer to reboot at all. At first, it would reach a certain point, then refuse to go any further. I was freaking out there for a couple hours wrestling with that thing, thinking I might've lost everything on it. And I had just finished the final edit of "Fate is an Engineer"! Def wasn't looking forward to having to redo that, which would take hours and hours, AGAIN. I had no backup anywhere. Eeeeee, tense moment there, until I got it to reboot.
Whatsmore, do I need to buy a whole new tower, or just a new hard drive? I don't know a lot about the hardware of a computer. I can't afford to take this in to a computer repair shop. Honestly, it's not worth it, when a new tower would only be a few hundred dollars. I've been quite sick of this one locking/freezing up so much all the time anyway. Don't see the point of having it fixed when it's not all that special anyway. It has served me well, but it might be time to retire it. I'd still appreciate any advice you guys would have.
Visited le doctor today. He said I have an excess of ear wax in my right ear which is making that ear retain water, which breeds bacteria and then infection. They squirted stuff in there to melt and drain the wax. Also gave me some ear drops. SO EXCITING. At least it got me a couple days off. (My whole job revolves around listening to people yap all day with headphones in my ears; when your ear and neck feel like they are going to explode, that job becomes incredibly irritating and uncomfortable.)
computer problems