...to make Alice in Wonderland Burton-esq because I personally feel much of his style is ganked from the depths of those novels anyway. This fact is shown quite clearly in the
photos that keep coming out. ::pauses for you to catch your breath after staring into the deadlights that are Johnny Depp's eyes::
Yes they look very much like pictures in the novel but as for iconic Burton..not so much. These costumes do fascinate me because they look very much like live action art. It will be interesting to see this film on the big screen.
I find it interesting that I'm even moved to comment about these happenings because I'm not even that much of an Alice in Wonderland fan, believe it or not. I liked "Through the Lookinglass" much better than Wonderland (because of the Jabberwokey) but I still have much disdain for the novels. I clearly recall using my copy to trap a fly that was bothering me in the car as a child; I actually got that sucker. I don’t look down on people who love it--it's one of Tori's favorite books--I just never understood how people could have such ardent love for a book that rambles every which way and has so many tedious characters. Not one is likable; they're all unstable, obnoxious, and annoying. It's a book about whimsy and that doesn't really mesh with my style but I'll give it this much: the poetry is facinating.
That all being said, I do look forward to seeing it as a film and rejoice that the story is being given the huge Hollywood treatment as movies are an entirely different subject matter. Films and literature should always be treated as separate entities because while they have an influence on each other, they're very different mediums, IMHO.
I updated the look to my journal for the first time in several years. I'm not certain if I like it--I wish I had more control over the look but I don't wanna pay for the service. >3> I'll have to make-do with my 6 icons and non-customizable layout. Poo.