Nov 05, 2008 09:13
I find it very interesting how many people's hearts & minds were tied up into this election; to a point of downright ridiculous. Looking back when it was my party favored in 2004, re-reading my own words were, "I'm sooooo happy" & the "day is pretty much peachy because of it." I remembered being pleased but not exhilerated over the news mostly because I went to bed with everyone saying Bush wasn't winning & then when I woke up, he'd won not only the election but the popular vote. It was a pleasant suprise but even then too there were all these people ready to leave the country; some even cried.
The loss this time around is so "meh" to me in many ways; I wanted a chance to vote for Sarah Palin & I got it. But the way people are partying and my GOD the gloating is really ridiculous. I'm mostly happy because I think this change (::rimshot::) will most likely bring a revival to the dead-in-the-water Republican party. We've become a bunch of guys who are letting the teasing get to our heads; we offer the olive branch so often to have our hands slapped and then mocked for it. Whatever happend to the Republican party that fought for our ideals and let the critism roll off their backs? Whatever happend to the Lincoln-esq Republicans? (Lincoln is my hero.)
I'm still a proud American & I'm still a proud Republican, by the way. I took the news with a shrug and resignation. I sincerly hope the best for President Obama but what I hope for now is that the media will turn a critical eye on this particular president instead of the comforting pillow they gave him all these months. We're done now; let's get moving ahead.
God Bless America.